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    The glory days of playing online in a true living world. NOt to mention how lots of dungeons weren’t instanced..

    I honeslty hate how formuliac FFXIV is... Every battle has pre-determined party members you need to beat it etc. etc.

    FFXI was so fun because you could take on a boss with a dragoon and 3 white mages and

    New Pay Structure = $1 for 1 life

    I don’t think she ever said it’s a problem. She said it’s a contrasting message that’s being sent when walking away from then enterity of the experience, multiplayer and campaign.

    Nice article! Best one I’ve read in here in months.

    It’s easier to explain if you just wait until it comes out.

    Actually, if you own the game, it’s totally legal to use an ISO from anywhere.

    I’ve had access the PSVR for almost two years now - PS Pro is the only thing meant to play it. All of the base models are going to have a hell of a time with it. In fact, I think a lot of the issues you are having are related to that you weren’t using a PS4-Pro

    A lot of them work for the same company?

    You know what bothers me most about Japan? Is how fake the people can be.

    Initially, I was perturbed and jumped on the insult bandwagon when I first heard about this. Upon further inspection, it’s actually a welcome change.

    First off, every phone comes with a pair of thunderbolt headphones.
    Using thunderbolt will actually allow for better audio quality to pass through.
    Being an audio guy,

    Actually, this is a pain in the ass for developers too.

    As a developer...

    Well how many of those 970 million even own or are going to own a 4k capable device? You can go ahead and cut that 970 million by 2/3rds right now. So lets say that’s 300 million now...

    Now how many people who own TVs are actually going to buy a Playstation 4 Pro?

    So lets cut that number by half... (just some rough

    Really, Nintendo doesn’t want Pokemon Go taking away from Sun and Moon sales.

    So basically, it’s the best intro video to any RPG ever?

    Really? Come on now. Aren’t we all adults here?

    It still sucks though... No women, no pokemon what kind of life is that

    Shining Force: Final Conflict on Sega Game Gear.

    You know... for online games, most games, there’s typically a day 0 patch. If people are going online before that patch is live, well yeah expect bugs. Because day0 patches usually fix tons of bugs since they are done at the end of the games dev cycle.

    Apple ended up giving me $50 back. I called becasue there were numerous times I’d use a paid item, like lucky egg and then just have the game glitch out on me for 20 of the 30 mins it was active. This pretty much happened non-stop in the first week. I mean, they were literally stealing money from me in my eyes. By