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    I work for a game company, Walmart is specifically stingy. They won’t let us keep our game on thier shelves anymore unless we publish at least one game a year. So they can have a constant space for us. But Walmart is so valuable, that our publisher is actually considering getting a second game lately for that reason

    Actually both games started with tutorials... Did you even play them?

    Yes, you're missing something, but that something your missing is irrelevant. You're missing something because you don't have this coddled mind like most of these fools.

    No, you’re just a realistic person. You live in a mind set where you see the world for what it really is. You’re not succumbing to this overtly PC culture and as a man with a wife who is a model for a living and has many friends who work in go-go dancing and she actually has herself and she’s been a booth babe a few

    Wow. This guy Vincent must be the biggest baby in the world.

    Oh... I find it strange that you would had a 40+ hour game based off a 1-2 hour segment of it. It’s like being mad about 97% of something because 3% isn’t ideal...

    But I do know what you mean. That sense of being thrown into a world and lost can be magical and it leaves all of the gameplay elements something to figure

    Wait. Where's the article?

    I think Capcom is secretly trying to put a nail in the coffin of street fighter. Maybe they are tired of making them? Who knows?

    I remember when 4 launched it was also a huge mess.

    Get Project X Zone 2 instead!

    Or we have big boy jobs and we work so we can buy whatever crap we find interesting.

    Accent is the cheapest car they make. New for like $12,000 what did you expect?


    Some people only read headlines..lol

    I agree. Sometimes it’s nice not having your work e-mail just an alt-tab away.

    Get a job and you will no longer need to worry about things like this.

    No, it’s just because they care about their composers. As a composer for video games, I appreciate this. Musicians, even working on big projects like movies or games still are at the bottom of the $$$ pool.

    I make 1/3rd of what my counter-parts do in the gaming field. All because I do audio and music.

    We’re starving

    It’s so strange that everyone is freaking out about this... why?
    I guess, as a musician, I would hate seeing my music being played and enjoyed without me even getting a penny, let alone getting proper credit from the Twitch.tv user.

    When I compare the knowledge of video games between “journalist” (hardly anyone on Kotaku I would consider a real journalist, since we know all they do is post links to other peolpe’s stuff) and people actually working in the industry, you will be surprised at how clueless game bloggers and writers are.

    Just in the

    I can see why this 40 year old man is still living with his parents.

    He doesn’t even have basic fire control knowledge. lol

    Finally got around to watching this... Not offensive at all. Gamers are just so sensitive. I think deep down everyone knows how stupid it really is and just can’t handle anyone calling them out.