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    This is why I am so excited for Shenmue 3. Finally a real open world video game. That isn’t just filled with fluff and isn’t distracted by all of the bells and whistles open world games have now. Focuses more on the experience rather than just trying to hit that 60+ hour mark.

    Shenumue 1 is a sweet 20-30 hour average

    What are you talking about?

    I am so glad that guy didn’t give you a neck tattoo. Lol.

    Screw you guys, these shoes are bad ass and it’s really cool that they made them. At least they have stitching on the backs and everything too. I know these aren’t mind blowing, but they are still cool to wear around the house or incorporate with specific types of colors/fashion. I think it’s great that Sega is trying

    So much face palming on this article it would take to much to explain it all...

    I’ll focus on one thing instead...

    Fetish. You’re understanding of the word is completely wrong. You do in fact, have a fetish. Sorry. I have one too and just because I do things other than my fetish, doesn’t mean that it’s any less of a

    Hahah! Exactly what I was thinking, just didn’t know a genius way to say it. Most of Patricia’s articles are crap anyways.

    My whole life is a lie.

    Game looks fantastic. Better than 2 and 3 even. Your TV.

    FFXIII Isn’t that bad. It’s a pretty amazing game. It’s just lacking in certain areas that FF games are usually known to excel in.

    With that said, working there was one of the most stressful, suffocating and depressing environments I’ve ever worked in. Corporate world sucks. Now I work for a mid-size game developer and it is so far from micromanagement that sometimes I need to ask my managers to stay on me more. lol

    I noticed the same thing. I worked at American Express corporate for 7 years. This sounds just like any other major credit card company or finance company.

    This open world fatigue is something I’ve had for YEARS. But that’s why I’m so excited for Shenmue 3. Shenmue games are open world but they aren’t about shooting guns and stealing cars. There is so much more depth to them.

    It has nothing to do with them being evil. But they made a profit. People don’t just “absorb” companies because they like eachother. Generally there’s a BK price point. Has nothing to do with news. First hand experience in the games industry. As well as friends who have worked for Ubi,SOE and more.

    I am sure they made nothing but profit.

    Your confusion is from lack of understanding of the video game industry and all of it’s in’s and outs of how devs work with publishers etc.

    Hey that placeholder art has been changed for some time now... Yet this article is still up. You sir, truly win the ass hole gamer award.


    This challenge in the game is completely insane. Most people haven’t gotten it unless they cheated in some way. There is nothing to work on with these. People who have done it report up to 10+ hours of just sitting there dodging lightning. It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced in a game. About as bad as

    Nobody writing for Kotaku have attempted to write about how a small school in Guilin, China donated $20,000 to the Shenmue Kickstarter. The same place Shenmue III is going to take place and now there are talks of putting the school in the game.

    You are all mostly mistaken. We actually discuss many of the negatives amongst ourselves all the time. We just hate seeing people write negative articles or comments when they are completely false and based off of misinformation or other random Shenmue rumors. We hate seeing articles just criticizing the placeholder