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    I was already on the fence with Kotaku lately. This has pushed me over the edge. I'll miss reading your articles Jason!

    You on some kind of hate train today or something? Seriously. Trashing everything I like before you even know about it.

    I can get behind this.

    Can you carry over your save?

    But can I carry my save over from Suikoden 1 and 2? That’s honestly my biggest question.

    Fahey! You gotta play Shenmue w/ Japanese dub Eng sub then carry your save over to Shenmue II.

    If your on this site and care about the future of video games as a medium, you should care about this game. But seeing as you don’t...

    It was because they had to do a lot of research and development because nobody had ever made an open world game before. So there was tons of new tech, even in the graphics department. I mean, we went from N64 games straight to Shenmue. That’s a huge graphical leap.

    Nowadays they’d be considered more of an “art” game than an open-world RPG. The Shenmue games are hard to define, because they took it so many places that games never really went before. But then GTA’s interpretation of an open world caught on and Shenmue’s hyper-detailed, cinematic, engrossing, educational idea of

    Can we just focus on what’s really important here? SHENMUE AHHHHH They made it happen, it happened, it’s happening...

    You gotta give it a chance. Shenmue 2s story picks up and get really amazing about halfway through.

    I wish there was more than one!

    The controls are definitely clunky and same with character animations. But at the time people were just starting to make 3D games. Honey you went from N64 graphics straight to a world like Shenmue. It was one of the biggest technical and graphical leaps in video game history. Even if now it feels outdated.

    I don’t think you understand what Shenmue is.

    KIREEK! Buddy! It’s been a while, but I am too... I am also crying right here with you.

    Really? I felt like it did a lot of special things that were unique to the way the story was experienced in the game. Via gameplay, plot twists etc. Writing the whole Gaia theory into the game as well as Clouds misplaced memories, Aeriths death and all that. I mean the game has been out for almost 20 years and I can’t

    Completely agree.

    You realize there are only so many character archetypes. Pretty much every epic has what you mentioned as redundant character types.

    The Wii U is still much more in the vain of the old school console experience. I love it. But haha there is a 1 1/2 hour wait after you boot up for firmware updates etc. etc. Probably more like 3 hours now since they keep updating stuff.

    Really liking something to the point to where you don’t mind seeing the same exact thing over and over because it’s good, is different. Diversity of the experience is what we’re talking about.

    No matter how much you like the campaign, it’s going to be relatively the same everytime you play it. Something with high