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    Jason can you please get off this band-wagon? Pleeeeeaaaaseee because everything else you do is amazing.

    Yeah. Hold square man! Also, during battle it will do the same thing when you're running towards an enemy.

    I don't mind having sexy women in my games. My wife actually became more interested in FFXV because of Cindy. But then again, my wife is into sexy women as well...

    Haha my wife and I did the same thing, except after rolling our eyes we couldn't stop enjoying the view. :p

    I agree with you on everything except the leveling. I actually love that feature and I like how you get bonuses on leveling depending on where and how you rest. I enjoy seeing your characters levels skyrocket after each day

    Played the game for the first time last weekend on PS4 with two buddies. It's pretty much a crappy version of Halo.

    Ya'll are a bunch of pussies!

    Well that's your problem right there. FFX was all built around summons. So was FF9. IN FFIX summons destroy entire cities in the game. Like seriously killing thousands and thousands of people.

    They should make this compatable with the Occulus Rift

    I was actually going to consider playing Xenoblade Chronicles on the 3DS... but after hearing how long it is... 200+ hours on a handheld? Ick... 'm outta here

    Fuck you idiot drivers. Too bad the other guy didn't die... :(

    RIP dude, thanks for your contributions to the world.

    Just finishing up the 2nd on xbox for the first time. I've been having plenty of fun. It's just slow paced.

    Wait wait wait! here... Chicken Burger!? That's a beef patty!

    Wait wait wait! here... Chicken Burger!? That's a beef patty!

    Wait wait wait! here... Chicken Burger!? That's a beef patty!

    I'm glad I avoided all of your reviews like the plague. ^_^

    But this, was well written and a good article. Thanks!

    I'm glad I avoided all of your reviews like the plague ^_^

    I think they are referencing the Xbox1 as a terrible product because the Halo:Master Chief Collection was supposed to be a flagship exclusive for the console.

    Oh, it's probably even harder than starting from scratch.

    OH yeah. I heard that this one is coming out late 2015