
Revoking somebody’s legally granted special status after they criticize an unrelated law is a clear First Amendment violation, not that deSantis cares. I imagine it would be hard to prove that in court, but anybody with a brain (leaves out the GOP voting base) can see what happened here.

Warner Bros. set to announce that T.J. Miller will be taking over the Flash franchise.

You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.

Conservatives want a platform where they can be as racist as they want but no one can be mean to Trump. 

If you don’t want to be accused of being a homophobe, perhaps you should stop voting for homophobic leaders?

Nearly two thirds (63%) of ideological conservatives said they believed censorship was a “major threat”

What a weird way to say: “I don’t like that I can’t air out my homophobic, bigoted opinions without people rightfully calling me out on how awful a human being I am.”

This story is all you need to prove that investors are idiots and stocks are little better than blackjack.

Fucking hypocrites. Like any fake libertarian (almost all of them), when they say ‘free’ they mean ‘free for me, not for you’. These fragile snowflakes would be the first to scream bloody murder if Twitter actually allowed completely unfiltered free speech against them. They just (correctly) think Musk would tilt it

Because he’s a fascist bigot.

Oh, Ron DeSantis is upset? Poor guy. He can fuck right off into the ocean.

Most of the ABA Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary regarded this judge as unqualified, but in the DJT era, it doesn’t matter if political appointees are qualified. Heck, being unqualified probably makes them even better at their job of destroying the US.

Now playing

They openly praise and admire each other. I’m not kidding.

I have been thinking about this for some time.

Found the kool aid drinker.

yuuuuuuuuuuup. Fuck “ageism” when we’re literally being dominated by a corrupt gerontocracy. McConnell, Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi—they all need to get the fuck out. 

The concept of ageism is just the Baby-Boomers pulling up the ladder like they always have. In the 60s and 70s they were all about shoving aside they’re grandparents’ and parents’ so they could get the sweet jobs and positions of power. And now they don’t want to relinquish that power so they cry about being

tHe ACtuAl tRuTh lol stfu

This is the feeblest example of both-sidesism you could have possibly come up with. "The left doesn't say 'woman' enough while they're trying to fight against my potential forced pregnancy."

Sometimes I wonder if I’m starting to be in favor of making European style exceptions to the 1st Amendment if only to prevent asinine ghouls from comparing everything they disagree with to WW2. This isn’t the Holocaust, boom, 5 years. Those aren’t Nazis, boom 5 years. Sorry, but that’s not actually Hitler, boom, 5