
Actually its not necessarily symbolic.. If a ghost gun is used in a crime, then that’s another point for the prosecutor to use to convict the person as it shows a willful flaunting of the law in addition to whatever the primary crime was.

Now yes, the cops aren’t going to go door to door and take the guns.. (as much as

The lengths folks will go to make themselves feel special and smug and persecuted for having secret information is so sad.

I miss the times when people actually felt shame about being stupid instead of parading their stupidity like proud standard bearers.

Bravo on the selection of the image. A++. I do believe it provides proper context through a glimpse at the kind of world this deranged stockpiler of nauseating wealth inhabits.

Fox News is at this point just a vehicle for stochastic terrorism.

Anyone who is disruptive should be banned from all airplanes for life.

“allegations of election-related crime.”

for people who have paid it off or never had it to begin with, it won’t sit well.

That is the pantry of someone who does not use any of the things in their pantry.

Quite a stroke of good fortune for Louis.

As a resident of Washington state, I hope he gets eaten by an alligator.

Portal 2
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Tetris Effect: Connected
Elden Ring
Apex Legends
God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn
Stardew Valley

“Creepypasta.” Nails on a chalkboard in word form.

But on the other hand, we have oil company profit margins to consider.

The sad part, 25% of Americans probably believe this.

Is this some April fools shit?

“I want to remind us all of the benefits of in-person collaboration.”

Literally every covid precaution reduction is based on the idea that with a significant portion of the population vaccinated, it becomes safe enough that for the most part, the only people in serious danger are those who can’t be vaccinated (and rely on high vaccination of others to protect them) and those who refuse


Or a single good person. Or anyone with a brain.