I blame Magery for jinxing the whole thing in his Jambaroo.
I blame Magery for jinxing the whole thing in his Jambaroo.
This is a shame because Philadelphia fans are generally such a pleasant lot who just can’t catch a break despite years of loyal and kindhearted devotion to their hometown teams.
Pretty sure he was showing symptoms as soon as he hit the ground. Just because it’s an immediate reaction shouldn’t mean it doesn’t count.
But then the Packers’ Brett Hundley turned into Aaron Rodgers
Baker Mayfield, welcome to your future.
Somebody, not on a team or the league’s payroll, needs to be protecting these guys
The concussion protocol must involve tossing him a ball and seeing how he reacts. When the team doctor tossed Savage the ball he immediately dropped it and stared blankly into space. So everything seemed normal and they cleared him.
It really is. You would think the mother would be comforting the child, but if you look at their facial expressions, it’s the presence of the child that comforts the mother. The child is beyond needing comfort. She’s accepted that life is meaningless and joy is fleeting.
How would I make the front office look bad? I coach a football team.
He already backed off this stance.
You realize that senators from Alabama will vote on legislation that affects the entire country, right?
Moore will be a U.S. Senator.
jokes on you I’ve died and this is the real hell and you are all just simulations created to punish me
Genuinely speaking...what is the Republicans’ soul exactly? They’re supporting a child molester so they can pass a tax plan getting called irresponsible in the pages of Forbes.
Moore’s generation of white people can’t die off soon enough.
Fuck Roy Moore.
No Joe. If Roger were twice as valuable as Tom Brady, than he’d be making $41 million per year, not 40 million. Idiot. - John Urschel
Yeah! Remember that time Jimmy Carter had NOTHING to do with the US boycotting the 1980 Olympic games!
don’t forget undoing whatever the black guy did.
Eli’s back! Eli’s back! Celebratory plates of paste for everyone!