
no doubt she made it clear that HE was lucky that a warning was all he was getting. “I could write you a ticket, but I’m going to be nice today...”

We are not canaries.

People are products of their environment, and we have a good idea how to engineer environments to decrease violent tendencies. We just don’t put what we already know about social engineering into action near enough, because powerful interests stand in the way of it: Those who stand to make a profit off violence, from

Well she clearly has larger than average balls so...

“Good on the NBA for giving Nike $1 billion to outfit its players in what appear to be repurposed knockoffs.”

And in other news, Helena Christensen is the ugliest woman since Cindy Crawford.


The hypocrisy has already been revealed, they decided to sign McGloin because he “knows the system”. You know, the one that they built around Watson’s dual threat capabilities. Kaep would have no idea how to operate in that system.

It’s ironic too since the NFL marketing rarely if ever, caters to this group of fans.

They don’t want the “distraction” that comes with Kap. You gotta be focused when losing games.

Deion’s probably tired of hearing about how he couldn’t tackle. This wouldn’t have been a problem if he had actually tackled anyone.

I suspect the tires burst into flames at full throttle below 125 mph. (That’s 200 km/h for countries that HAVE NOT put a man on the moon)

In top gear, it seemed to do 240-250 mph faster than my Mazda can do 70-80, in any gear.

Well, alright, but then I’m really going to need to find some other physical manifestation for my crippling depression.

Thanks, dad.

/slams bedroom door

In the Kinja justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the cops, who ask for the charges; and the commenters, who debate whether or not they are warranted. These are their stories.


Ferrari thinks they’re bigger than F1.

Translation: RR (or even BMW) can’t swing the R&D and would rather license from Waymo/Baidu/Apple when ready.