
First thing I thought of as well.

The only sporting events Musk-ovites care about are SpaceX launches.

Well, that’s a butt-ugly steering wheel.

RIP in peace, Ballaban

Hee Seop Choi

Oh God, I get shudders reading those names. Reed Johnson!

Sergio Mitre

On the one hand: Video evidence, good.

Reminds me of one bored evening in high school. A few of us got the bright idea to drive around in my ‘91 Isuzu Trooper with a shovel and a garbage bag and scoop up roadkill. Then we put them on the cars of people we didn’t like or our friends (high school logic). One of our friends drove home from his job at

Man, I bet that thing can lay down some amazing lap times.

Yep. I’m not taking my kid to a game until he’s old enough to pay reasonable attention and understand that at any moment a ball or bat could come flying his way.

Because sales.

Well, I’ll definitely be adding this to my ever-growing synth playlist. Good stuff!

That’ll teach you to one up a cop, eh.

Yes. I tried to watch the first and second seasons on Prime and I couldn’t even get through 10 minutes of the first episode of each. I can’t wrap my head around how people think this is a quality show.

They should totally do a “Wife Swap” style thing with FCA products.

So the Huskers became the Huskies...

That or she’s just gonna (easily) shit her pants in fear.