
Disagree all you want, but it’s the law where I live (Iowa).

Yeah, maybe he has a good source. It would be logical to assume it’s Polish since they are currently tasked with patrol of the area, though.

Good question. I have no idea.

Do you have a source for that?

Our state law (Iowa) says you must pull over to the right regardless.

I’m fine with it.

The “all motorists” in the first portion leads me to believe that it applies to both directions of travel.

It’s the law here in Iowa.

I Betty’s spinning in his grave over that one.

Something something Mustang joke.

It was a Netherlands F-16AM:

Merica does it better

Because it’s the law.

I think the problem in your case is Florida.

I’m talking about just a plain 4-lane road, no median. Just a double yellow.

In my case it was an availability issue. I don’t live real close to a large metro area and the local Mazda dealer didn’t have anything in our budget range. Same for Accords at the local Honda dealer.

Hot take.

I’m amazed by the confused and angry looks I get from other drivers when I pull over for emergency vehicles. Particularly when it’s on a 4-lane road and I’m in the opposite lanes.

I just made it up. Maybe I should be a writer for the show.