
My instincts tell me.that those who are making this a blockbuster are those or at least same.mindset who made.the Jesus film by Mel Gibson a huge hit. Older, right wing, Evangelical and very fickle about going to movies.

The sexual *vibes* of this scene were A LOT.

Also: Jonathan Groff, the personification of American homosexuality

  1. Mix one part awesomely suspenseful trailer and 9 parts bald eagle fucking patriot porn and sprinkle in some casual racism.

I like to know that men all over the world, no matter how powerful, can be brought to their knees by some sExXxXxxy shots.

Well, I have a new answer for whenever someone asks me if I think they're "shitting money".

"Look how much coconut water from a young coconut!! Very energizing. Very good."

No, that makes you a normal person. These people are narcissistic fuck wads. No one actually writes their ex's new whatevers some kind of "heartfelt open letter" word vomit garbage, except for self-congratulatory assholes you don't want to be around anyway. That's why their relationships failed.

Well that sounds horrible. I kinda hope she cheats on him and gives him gonorrhea.

It makes you a refreshingly real person and not a "build an avatar of goodness that will be worshiped on the interwebs" jackass.

There are post-breakup super nasty letters and then there are (perhaps later) the "I've thought about this, and ..." letters (usually only when the person has "moved on" (as in, landed another significant other).

I don't know if the "I'm gonna embarrass that fucker" letter makes you a bad person. With that sentence,

Yeah, I feel you girl. I recently got dumped FOR AN EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD, so normally it goes something like "this is one inch from statutory rape....I could be her mother...I hoping she's as "cool" as you say she is...in that I hope she is Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl and tries to kill you a lot" Lots of feelings...I've

Yes, they are usually texts. Angry, angry, hateful sometimes drunken texts.

Anytime I write an imaginary letter to my ex (guy who didn't believe in marriage but is now engaged to a girl I thought was my friend), it's filled with phrases like, "I hope all your babies have her horse face and your micropenis." And when I write to her, it usually starts out as "Dear Conniving Bitch, I hope

I have been writing these in my head lately. Recently divorced and SUPER happy about it, but that asshole keeps dropping passive aggressive bullshit about his new woman into every conversation we have.

An Open Letter to My Ex's Wife:

Someone clearly has never eaten pizza in Boston. Not to say Papa John's is great, but the only thing that can improve the taste of most Boston pizzas is Stockholm Syndrome.

Well now I'm really disappointed that their "oven-baked sandwiches" aren't called SUBS.

Me at work right now —