
Because people are arrogant enough to think anyone else gives a shit.

Err, hot take here. This is stupid.

shit. you’re telling me amazon has my address?

Good news!
You can get it already on the market. Been there for about a decade too!

Figure out what the hell you want it to do, and build it to do that.  Do, or do not.  There is no try.


I’m pretty sure most of us, given the choice, would want a lovely, precise gated shifter for our manual cars.

Seems like this is an update to the old way VW used to say “fuck you”:

I think this car was supposed to go to the emissions test people

Trying to go into reverse to undo miles didnt work, they got that right? right?

Sometimes you have to steer left to go right. 

So, Jason is Pat’s kid? And she just married Bob in 2010? And she’s 63?

The biggest offender in this design is that they relocated the mirrors to the door body, but then just filled that triangular area of the window in with BLACK FUCKING PLASTIC!!! The whole fucking point of door-mounted mirrors is to allow you to make that area out of stuff you can see through, like glass, and reduce

No. Just no.

GM and Tesla are “graduating” from the program, giving late-comers an advantage, which seems counter to the spirit of credit.  The program really should have captured TOTAL EV sales, not sales per manufacturer.

These people triage. They wouldn’t be pushing a car out of a garage if they could be saving someone’s life instead.

meanwhile, mclaren is lining the floor of the speedtail with premium leather. 

Also, why is that tiny little Honda so fucking loud?