
Niche vehicles like Roadster and Semi just apparently aren’t a priority in their current business model, and they don’t have the batteries to spare.

When Torch and Tracy eventually leave due to bullshit/other offers/whatever, I’m officially done. Truly love both these guys and their stuff. 

Also, Tuvok as the token black guy! That intro is fricken hilarious and about 1:10 too long by today’s standards. Great stuff.

Dan suspected that his time on earth was short. The last few hours had gone a long way to prove that the Church of Scientology would stop at nothing to eliminate him if necessary. As he fumbled with the key in the lock of station wagon, he thought he heard footsteps, but couldn’t be sure. To think, it all started so

Have a star. Hope you feel better.

Can confirm. Recently inherited an unloved 60s Oliver that has sat untouched for over a decade. Put air in the tires and replaced the batteries, fired it up and drove it home. Thing is, it didn’t even surprise me.

Any Suzuki. Damn fine cars, but no one cared.

Can’t disagree with any of that. Just saying I didn’t miss the buttons.

I used to be anti giant touchscreen, until I spend a weekend in a Model 3. The UI is just so good and simple that I didn’t mind using the screen at all. I detest the screens in my other cars, but only because they’re awful interfaces. Setting a nav destination in my 16 4Runner is pure hell, and I usually just ending

AGAIN, since you clearly are not a regular Jeopardy watcher, this is often the case. Many clues have two ways of solving them, one that is related to the category and one that is general knowledge. For instance, from today’s extra clues found on Jeopardy’s website:

But that is in fact exactly how most Jeopardy clues work.

Exactly, when a category comes up where you are an expert, the clues will be easy. 

Which is how almost all Jeopardy clues work. You basically have two chances to solve it, and one usually has nothing to do with the category.

I thought the quotes were just for emphasis.

LOL .... great minds. Honestly, it’s been three years ago and this is a good reminder anyway. 


My boss did exactly this one time with a LPG powered van. We found out there was nowhere in the state to refuel it, except privately at the local auto tech school. We donated it to them to get rid of it.

I absolutely have redirected my dollars away from places that the pumps run ads. Our WalMart had them and I stopped going there even though they are always the cheapest. Then they ditched them, and I’m back.

Torch articles are way better than the actual attempts at journalism on this site. 

It looks like a Chip Foose drawing.