
I just got done writing a defense of this homebrew truck, but I would also like to point out an important point:

I was OK until I saw the failgate. CP.

Such a weird combination of quality craftsmanship and half-assedness.

Personally, I like my BEZELS just fine. I like to use them as Human Activity Non-Display Lens Exit Spaces. HANDLES, in other words.

This is the first new car i’ve ever bought so I spent the money for the full set and now all our cars have them. 

Pretext: Michigan Winters

Two wheel delete.

People are only buying and re-selling the car BECAUSE Ford limited the production quantity. Why would you pay $2m for a used car, when you could get a new one for $450K?

I have tried to formulate a witty response to this. I even typed some out and backspaced over them realizing they were inadequate. I just...can’t. “You’re stupid,” is the best I can do. Sorry.

What’s the point of this exercise? Munoz never claimed he loves to fly coach. Are CEOs required to love consuming the cheapest product their company sells?

He refused to sit in the seat or he refused to do an interview about how shitty his lower level product is?

She’s still paying off a 2012 Kia.

2019 Dodge Challenger R/T Scat Pack 1320

They probably couldn’t lift that washer high enough to put it on the rack. This coming from a guy who just moved a washer and dryer over the weekend and rented a U-Haul trailer for thirty bucks (including insurance) to do it.

I’ll go with my gut on this one.