
Just another deadline missed for Musk.

I wish you guys would fix your infographics. You put a lot of time and effort into them only to leave one KEY piece of information off - the distance Pastrani jumped.

There is no perspective. I’m not a Tesla fanatic, I think the cars are neat, but are OSHA complaints like this fairly commonplace in the industry, or are they extraordinary? Does Tesla just not have the political scale to bury stories like these?

Deposits are unearned revenue until the service or good is delivered. It is actually a liability on the accounting books. 

If it had a “Pontiac Vibe” it would look more like this.

It looks beautiful, but that’s part of the concern. Everyone of the listing photos has been through the PS wringer. Also, an Elise is hard to get in and out of if you’re over 5'5". Adding a wide body kit with extra sill means a fold in half, ass first maneuver every time.

Complicate and add weight? Nuh-uh.

No, YOU look again:)

Everything seemed to be functioning normally in this clip until they decided to drive forward, though.

Incorrect. At the very beginning of the clip, the only movement is from the car wash. It moves towards the car until the horizontal brush reaches the front bumper. The wash then stops while the brush slowly raises to clear the hood. It was at this point that the driver decides to move forward.

polished it (or not, in this case)

Bad timing. This article flies in the face of your piece earlier today about daily driving pickup trucks.

Automotive guilty pleasure? Using and daily driving my Ram 1500 just knowing that it pisses off people like you!

When you’re slowing down, just keep shifting down until you can’t anymore and you’re in your lowest gear. If you need N, just pick it up half a click, since most times your not actually looking for neutral. If it was below first, you’d be coming up on a downhill sweeper, shift down, shift down, shift down, *shit!

I think they stand for “Settling”

Counterpoint: Compass.

Oh my gosh thank you so much for contributions to the fight agains....people saying things you don’t agree with? Either way keep up the good work! Also, impressed with the humblebrag!

Physically get down to their level.