
Hey Justin, I think a little more clarity would be appropriate.

Demon money is much more attainable than Lambo money. Remember not all of Kinja is poor...

Consumer reports - Where a confusing stereo means an “unreliable car”.

A 15 hp potter’s wheel? Holy crap.

So what you’re saying is, it scores high on all the Vibe-rater sites?

Hyundai had that commercial that said Hyundai like Sunday.

This is total Jalop. But now I’m wondering what his Kinja name is? And being as self centered as we all are, I’m wondering if I’ve interacted with this cool guy (who my GF and I would not miss on Jeopardy, he was great). And have I ever gotten into a flame war with him over silly BS? Oh no, that would suck. Who is he?

I think he missed the whole point of “meh.” The word implies that a person has no strong feelings toward the subject, to the point where the user could barely be bothered to have an opinion. The person writing the email points out how anonymous the car is and describes its power as “enough.” These all seem like pretty

HEY EVERYBODY I FOUND THE AUTHOR! Thought you were being clever by claiming to disagree.

I feel like I should now make it my mission to rebut every Meh Car Monday article in order to stand up for the little guy. I mean, I own a thesaurus and have heard of this First Amendment thing before. Surely I could stand for the plight of the under-served Meh Car Enthusiast.

If you are “thinking about getting into bikes” and planning on buying a V-Rod you might want to rethink your approach. That’s a big, heavy, powerful bike for a beginner.

The story is fairly well known but bears repeating.

Ok, this one truly is a tough one!

some of us are just having fun.

This stupid thing:

Amber is hideous.

I think you will find that if you slow down a little and increase the space in front your visibility will improve.

I now would like to see more vehicles with random food words on them. Perhaps a Jeep Wrangler with the word “pancake” on the side window. Or maybe a Toyota Camry with “peanut butter” on the trunk. This would make driving every day a little more fun.

Sleepy Miata, is Sleepy..( and his tongue is hanging out)

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