
Lets really add this up:

I think there might be a bit of a difference between this thing and the typical argument against safety inspections.

I wouldn’t touch that with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

X=51,300. Why the algebra?

Call me an optimist, but I think for $50k, I could make this Range Rover into a Range Rover someone would be willing to spend $20k on.

I’m hoping it goes more the direction of season 4 when they had gotten a routine at the prison and were problem solving in a different way. There’s a lot of untapped potential in telling that kind of world-building story without cartoon villains and constant explosions and craziness. It’s a different tone for sure,

two random thoughts -

a) why were stained-glass windows randomly hanging in the branches of an apparently-isolated tree?
b) is Outsider Art just going to leave the junkyard behind to whomever happens along, after all that? she is a feckless one.


Can you imagine being a six-year-old kid, watching Twister for the first time, and seeing Bill Paxton drive up in that thing?

Dakotas, ranked:

Agreed - here’s a pic from an S1 Esprit, very similar

The interior reminds me of an early Lotus Esprit. Size would be right.

well he’s presumably got the original photo with the plates. Report that someone stole your wallet at gunpoint and fled the scene in a weird white car, give ‘em the details, and then when it gets to court and he’s on the stand, ask him under oath what the fuck that car is and god makes him tell the truth.

That’s how

Preserving a fair trial is a really good point, and would normally be valid, if Goodyear hadn’t settled in every single previous case, with binding NDAs. The people deserve to know by now.

I dont think its the same thing at all. In my case, there were negative repercussions on civil society for publishing (though minor in my mind), and in the case of the Jalopnik there are none. If anything there were repercussions on civil society for not running the story. In any case, I though my paper should have

Nope, ALF didn’t hit the airwaves until September 1986.

$3K is a bit much for a rusty car, no matter how interesting it might be. CP

The video at 0:34 strangely shows some footage from a different limo with Ron Paul advertising lol

I don’t think this was a concrete piston, I think they filled the cylinder with the stuff and it was basically a 3 cylinder car.

Is badging still available, and does an Isuzu Jackaroo comanad 10% more, because jackaroo.