
I'm curious what innovations in the 1987 model years that changed all this for you.

We need more music about cars. Period.

Bad news here to all of you Jalops that don't know: ALMOST ALL manufactures use volume based dealer cash incentives on nearly EVERY car they sell. I should know, I have 5 franchises and they all use them. Every other dealer (of other brands that I do not own) tells me they use them too. Why in the world do you

I hate to say it, but the smart fortwo. For the price you pay you can get many cars that get similar mileage that also seat four and go faster.

2014 Corolla: "I've Settled for Less"

"The new 2014 Corolla - because you'll buy anything with a Toyota badge"

Make the windows taller. As a tall person (6'3"), the planes are cramped enough. At least give me the illusion of more space by giving me a window that's bigger than an iPad. More natural light plus better views would surely improve passenger morale by making the interior less coffin-like.

Saw one of these on the freeway the other day. That taillight stood out from about a mile away. As I got closer I confirmed it was a new Lincoln. That tail light sure did its job, go my attention. But as I passed the car and looked back on it, my feelings were confirmed. This car is a "But-Her-Face"

My parents have driven 17 Lincolns since the early 1970's...The 83 4dr Pucci was a beautiful car along with many versions of Marks along the way.

Now can we get rid of the G-D '37 reasons to read jalopnik' article that is ALWAYS at the top on my mobile?

I'd have to guess that pipe frame was there to prevent a wayward vehicle from damaging something on the ground within it's perimeter....and it did it's job perfectly. Kudos to the engineer who designed it, and we can all thank the driver of the VW for the demonstration.

Any Modified Jeep. I have all sorts of people from grandma's to young kids wave, take pictures, high Five, and start conversations with me, because they love my Jeep.

As a lifelong Texan I can honestly say that fierce loyalty to and the love of the place where you live has to be one of the most polarizing topics out there, from state to state, east to west, north to south. It often has no rhyme or reason to those who have lived their lives elsewhere, but we all feel it and we all

A few years ago, I was driving my 78 firebird down to Hilton Head to spend the weekend with a bunch of friends. The friend hosting the party was the kind of guy that you just knew was always good for a good time—he had that sort of sparkle in his eye that made it clear there was always something up his sleeve, so I

"But is the 10 still open??"

From the NBC article:

"We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked."