
But she didn’t even have the car...

Plus, where else ya gonna find one?

I know. I’m so ashamed.

Every day I struggle with the dichotomy of: Jalopnik is the best auto blog on the net/ Gawker is horrible trash. If anything, it’s actually worse after the restructuring. Sigh. This story isn’t even interesting other than a weak celebrity tie-in and a chance to bash someone.

Not only is it not mysterious, none of this is even interesting.

I actually saw one of these the other in great shape, and remarked that it was still a decent looking car today.

THANK YOU! I just can’t even take a new Civic seriously. Why are you so pointy, Civic?

Ya you could do the face-swap app thingy with this and it would be the same picture.

Well that was the point

What...how? What in the world did he do to produce that result? Surely he wasn’t just holding the clutch partially engaged?

Even then, it’s mid-march. I’m still getting the occasional “Happy New Year.”

Manufacturers offer discounts to military, automotive bloggers angry.


Here’s the one that gets me. There seems to be a disproportionate number of classic Jeep Grand Wagoneers being cast in roles where it makes no sense. Characters that are broke are somehow driving 40 thousand dollar classic SUV’s that only a collector would have. I think that movie people are just like, “get me

Yep. I bet that zL1 is in demo for the dealer’s asshole son or something

This actually makes sense.

But wouldn’t that be better? Mashing on the brakes would at least slow if not stop the vehicle even with the gas floored.

So here’s my question on unintended acceleration: Couldn’t it be almost completely avoided if people learned to drive with two feet? I think it happens because your right leg (at least here in the US) controls both the brake and the throttle. So standing on the brake and mashing the accelerator have the exact same

This is actually a fantastic suggestion. I’m no fool when it comes to cars, and I would assume that someone driving a car like that at least has their shit together, if not a little bit of money.

That will bring more than 10k.