
Thank you! I was like, “HOLY CRAP the guy had to cut his car in two just to tow it?” I actually started to ponder if he had some sort of quick disconnect set up just to do this. Then I saw the guy holding the bumper cover and realized that Orlove just doesn’t know the correct terminology.

True, point taken. I actually can’t stand the new civic because of this. It just looks like it’s trying so hard with all its jagged edges and pointy things.

Funny, those are the exact features that I didn’t care for. I still think it’s overall a good looking car, but to me the lines in the good added elegance where what it needed was some aggression.

I was kinda thinking the same thing. I don’t remember the Bronco being all that special, frankly. I think most of the excitement about a Bronco project has come from the fake renders, discarded prototypes, and outright hoaxes. Those all looked extremely wild and exciting. The actual Bronco wasn’t, and a I agree with

Nah, just being silly.

A few confused people accidentally press the gas instead of the brake in their Toyotas, and the nation is outraged at the manufacturer. Many, many people have video evidence of Mustangs barreling out of control with the slightest acceleration or flick of the steering wheel, and everyone jokes how stupid Mustang

Because intentionally walking into a retail facility right before close and forcing the employees to stay over after working a 12 hour shift makes you a bad person? I’m glad you got a good deal. I doubt it was because you kept some poor schmuck from being able to kiss his kids good night.

Wow. Please don’t use this as a strategy.

Why on earth would you think that keeping people past closing time gets you a better deal?

Working at a dealership is a fantastic job where you can earn very high at even an entry level without a huge college investment. It’s not an easy job, but it’s not digging ditches either. The main problem I see with hiring the next generation of dealership employees is that they object to the hours. More and more

I tend to think this is the case. Some bullshit folklore urban legend about leaving your hood up while idling for long periods to prevent overheating made it into the culture of the department. People believe crazy stupid shit if they’ve heard it enough times, and will defend it to the end, just like this dumbass that

Most GM dealers after the BK are paired up as either BUICK/GMC or CHEVY/CADILLAC. Chevys are high volume, caddies are not. So maybe they’re selling 30 Chevs and 4 Caddies per month, plus at least that many used cars. That’s not a bad volume for a smallish store.

I could read that cover-to-cover and then just start all over when I was done.

“You know we’re going to break the embargo and release this interview early, right? DRIVE FREE OR DIE!!!”

Exactly. I cannot ever see myself driving one of these for that reason. I’m sure it’s got great tech and is a perfectly fine automobile. But...look at it!

He did! I didn’t even catch that.

The first half of the article was literally a disclaimer that he pretty much knows he’s not getting any Star Trek facts right. I feel like he should have just written about the interesting car, and left out the “only alien-made car” sensationalist headline crap that he knew he couldn’t stand behind even as he was

CP for the speaker grill covers alone.

That's about an hour from my house. I'll pick anyone up at the airport if you let me drive it for a bit.