
I know many adults working in Hollywood who think American Psycho is a horror movie.

That's good news since I'm not witty enough to make it through on merit.

They'll be star caves… wait, that doesn't make sense.

The showbiz analogies are so perfectly appropriate. This is how you do trump AVC articles.

Is he actually capable of feeling humiliation?

I'm a troglodyte who still doesn't use SSD at home or work, but even if it took only 5 seconds for PS, I'd still use Paint with its instant load to do the basic tasks.

Is 'blunch' just a racist joke version of brunch?

I'm no AVC veteran, but even I remember the uproar around here when Disqus invaded the site; to see it now representing Obamacare in the analogy…

"Tom James is the one romantic partner of Selina’s to not fit into the same sweet-talking con man role her father and Andrew personify."

A bit of both, but mostly scorn for FF's overwrought designs. At this least scene is happening in(?) Vegas, which is intentionally gaudy.

Is that a photograph or a Final Fantasy screenshot?

I know it seems like lazy commentary, but whether intentional or not, it's specifically effective when it's this guy, who seems to derive more pleasure from hearing his name on TV than ANYTHING else.

I mean, did she? Sure, May would probably rather remain in power, but I think part of her also wanted an excuse to leave the practical ramifications of dealing with Brexit to someone else. She was against it after all. It's the Cameron situation all over again.

Considering the general mood of regret and confusion after Brexit, I actually can't understand why people thought the Tories would get a vote of confidence now. This is the public's chance to protest (their own) previous protest vote.

The experience is far worse for them considering the heightened hearing and olfactory sensitivity.

Come on, you know the answer to that question. We'd all still be watching if there was anything worthwhile.

Man, I am just never ready for current Jim Carrey pictures.

Haven't seen the show in about 6 years myself, but this was a rare GJI that lived up to its name.

There does seem to be too many good guys now. Wouldn't be shocked by a Sansa or even Danny heel turn before the end.

Absolutely agree, can't think of a more obnoxious ad campaign that's run this long. I decided they were unbearable long ago, and haven't actually seen a whole Chevy commercial in years, just the first 2-3 seconds.