
Your comment is totally unfair. No console since that era allows you to do this.

Wow this piece spoke my mind...I literally have the same problem. And yes, it is a problem, because I have a list of games in my mind that I should finish but just can’t bring myself to. It’s becoming more and more common as I age, and I think that’s a major contributor to the phenomenon, although I have never really

I like their logo :)

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

Airport lounges in the US pretty much universally suck. I have priority pass and have traveled to Europe and Asia, and their idea of an airport lounge is FREE BUFFET. What do the US counterparts offer? Pretzels and popcorn.

*pictured, actress reflecting on life choices

At least at Whole Foods they have a policy that specifically says you are allowed to sample stuff.

I live in California. $5.45 for a plain old hot dog is considered cheap here.

[...] and he ended up selling it for $1,700 to someone via the for-sale sign on the car.

I went to Rome a few months ago and got some chocolate from various famous companies there. I have to say, they are all superior to the American brands. Venchi, in particular, was the best of the bunch, both cheap and tasty (and all over the place, so not difficult to find at all). Their milk chocolate bar is to die

Fahey, you’re one of my favorites when in comes to video game journalists. Your writing style is just so comfortable to consume it’s absolutely fabulous. Snakatu is even better! Here’s to hoping you make a full recovery soon. Best Wishes.

This happened in the reporting for the Hudson miracle as well, but people never bother to report on the second person in the cockpit. Piloting commercial aircraft is a team effort; the pilot in command may have been the one flying the plane but that doesn’t mean the other guy just sits there for the ride.

Eight and a half dollars is almost twice what I would’ve paid for this....

A friend claimed that Mugno wouldn’t be able to make a car entirely out of hair. So, like any reasonable person, she set out to prove her friend wrong.

Many commenters seem to think that California has bad drivers. Not so, at least not up here in the Bay Area.

It’s pretty obvious that this is the only way he can continue drawing HxH while dealing with his various ailments (wrist, back ...etc). Spend a year to prepare for 10-issues worth, then release them back to back, rinse and repeat.

There’s a burger joint in LA that already serves ketchup by the slice, check it out:

Hey as long as he doesn’t go on another hiatus I’m all for whatever references he wants to make.

My experience is if the card slot for power is designed so that the card sits vertically albeit at a slight angle (like in the image), it can be hacked like described in the article.

I’ve always found it interesting the way Chinese people view Americanized-Chinese food. I watched a Youtube clip once of several first-generation immigrants actually trying Panda Express, and they liked most of it.