V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches

I know. My LS400 & the LS460 I’m looking at both ride much better than my my S600, but neither of them handle anywhere near as well as my S600 does. It’s unnatural how well the 5000 lb car handles, there’s little to no body roll.

I got mine back yesterday. I fucking love my car. I don’t know how I could even consider selling it.

No. You’ve gotta have a second gen. I’ve got 225,000 miles on mine and it drives better than my S600.

I’m going to tune my S600 up to 65 levels are f power. I love it.

If you like the instant torque you should try an S600. It’s got 590 ft-lb available from 2000 rpm. The low end grunt is just ridiculous. If you’re on the highway doing 60 you’re turning about 1200 rpm and if you floor it it’ll break the back tires loose. It’s addicting. Expensive to maintain, but worth it IMO.

Because if you go into a red state you and your family will be murdered by a redneck with an AR-15. Not if, but when.

This might even be the thread of the century... It’s pretty glori(a)ous

The LS400 is inarguably the best car ever made. My friends all talk about how my 20 year old Lexus is going to die any day now and I just chuckle. I’ve never driven a CL either. In fact, I think this is the only Benz I’ve driven other than C/E300 service loaners.

I really miss driving my S600. It’s -3 before windchill here so I’ve been driving my LS400. There really is no way to describe the car without hyperbole, it’s ridiculously fast, smooth, comfortable, and expensive to maintain. I sort of intended this thing to be a one time fling, but now I don’t know if I’ll ever be

My S600 has been pretty good apart from ABC and the radiator. I love the W220, but the 221 is my all time favorite.

Hmm, now I love the C126 and W126 with a passion. I guess I just have an irrational hatred for the W140 lol.

Oh lol nothing about not driving it hard (I’m a firm believer in the Italian tune-up), just making sure it’s always serviced on time by someone who absolutely knows what they’re doing, price be damned. If you want to make the best of an S600 you pretty much have to go in with an open wallet.

Sure. I won’t pretend for a second that these cars are reliable, but if treated properly they’re not always the maintenance monsters people make them out to be.

You see, I actually kind of like them in black. I just can’t stand the tail lights.

The ABC pump also does all of the power steering. Because of the extremely high operating pressure it wouldn’t be feasable to cap off all the lines while still maintaining proper PS pressure.

While I don’t hate the W140 S class, the CL makes me want to vommit.

There’s only one way. Sadly it’s impossible to get a V12 without ABC. While companies make non ABC struts to swap in, it’d be neigh on impossible to cap off all of the lines without fucking the pump up. I think ABC was only an option on the CL500 with airmatic being the slightly less unreliable alternate option. It is

We don’t talk about spun bearings.