V12 Jake- Hittin' Switches

Yeah, some of it can get pricey. I just had the radiator replaced to the tune of $2100.

What’s wrong with turbos ?

The engine has been dead reliable. It’s all suspension pretty much.

Oh I’m not blaming the car lol. I knew it was going to be bad going in...I regret nothing.

Lol you’ll need more than 5 k to keep that thing going for more than a year... I’ve put 9 into mine in like a year and a half.

Yep, it’ll go right across most everyone’s bow.

Such a great show...

Its all optical my friend...though that is a great angle for that car.

No. I live in a very wealthy area of Minnesota and the guy 2 doors down drives a Maybach S600 to and from work. My friends dad’s boss was chauffeured in a Maybach 62 but that’s different.

That’s hilarious. One of my rears was imbalanced so it could get pretty squirrelly.

The traction control goes crazy if you put your foot down at 60. It’s pretty hilarious actually. The car at full throttle is just stupid fast.

My S600 is like this. If I turn the nannies I can spin the rears at highway speed. I need better tires.

I floored my S600 coming out of a turn onto the highway and just beat the shit out of the traction control. Almost lost it, but I got it back in line. This was at 2:30 AM in the middle of northern MN, so no one was in danger. Still terrifying though.

If you have a distaste for money, a 2003-2006 S600 Mercedes would be perfect.

I love my V12 badges. Perfectly subtle.

I can just barley see the S600 peeking out lol.

I get 17 average but like 11 in town/driving quickly.

Not much better than my S600 lol...

What kind of person busses of drives half a mile on campus ?