There was a contemporary release of Crystal Pepsi back in 2016. I still have a bottle unopened (and one opened)
There was a contemporary release of Crystal Pepsi back in 2016. I still have a bottle unopened (and one opened)
Oh man, I’d say more than that. Also, I just watched parts of S4 last night and there are FAR weaker eps in that season than in the most recent one. The ep where they walk a mile in each other’s shoes is 2/3 complete nonsense, and 1/3 Charlie and Dee knocking it out of the park
I just wanna pull the little log on new Sheriff Truman’s desk that makes the Skype screen slide up.
I’m honestly surprised that the players wont be independent contractors.
Why s this article written like Puddles hasn’t been around for years now and is low-key internet famous? Has he really never been on this website before?
Pshaw, I saw Doug Flutie dropkick an extra point. ONLY CALL ME WHEN SUPER WEIRD SHIT HAPPENS.
Was the podcast You Must Remember This?
shout out to the REAL MVP the rich mf’er who had season tickets to the 2 seats i sat in every game and only showed up to like 4 games the entire season
Here’s to hoping, in true Rocko spirit, that the special will include a host of jokes that I am extremely grateful I would not have gotten when I was kid. (I’m weird enough as it is!)
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
Boner jokes are okay as long as they are done with characters voiced by convicted drug dealers who got rat out their friends
I can tell you how this is gonna play out now. He’s probably already back in Canada, so he’s out of their jurisdiction. And the Canadians won’t extradite one of their own. But Batman has no jurisdiction.
The case will now go to the district attorney’s office, which will hopefully decide that this is too embarrassing to take to the mattresses.
Seeing lots of “I’m a Yankees fan, but...” and “I hate the Red Sox, but...” on the internet tonight. Cool, man, you don’t want the human beings who arbitrarily wind up playing for teams in a different geographic location than you to literally die. Awesome, that’s very noble.
Maybe if they smiled more.
Every 7 seconds dot com, according to urban myth.
“I must break you.”
We dub him... Mohawkeye
Wristcutters: A Love Story was my into to Shea. NSFW due to language.
I like the noises when he uses the palette knife to apply paint.