
 But it was his show to sell (or not sell) for whatever price he could get for it. Definitely not trying to seem obtuse or start a fight here, I just don’t understand what’s wrong with that. (Don’t get me wrong: If that dick in the White House were to do the exact same thing, I’d be pissed, too, but I doubt that

We probably need to wait for an Official Announcement from Jezebel, but it looks as if things are headed in that direction. I am shocked, shocked that Jez is voicing disapproval.

Maybe she wants him out of the way so that her dress can be shown properly? I like that gray/silver-ish number.

I didn’t used to like you but I think I kind of like you now. I’ve never typed that sentence before in my life.

I just like the visual of the raised eyebrow every time you’d introduce her as “Betsy Bangs.” Probably wouldn’t be worth your trouble, though. ;-p

Betsy (aka Betsy Bangs)

Maybe just smh, just to stay out of trouble.

There’s just...so...much of her.

It’s a definite step up from being Junior’s girlfriend.

I watched the Epstein thing (Netflix, I think) and the victims seemed to pretty uniformly pronounce it “Ge (as in “key”)- lin,” emphasis on the “Ge.” Oddly enough (or not), they all pronounced it very quickly.

At least the dog has the sense to look uninterested.  


I read that last sentence as “...while borrowing my cat.”

Thanks!  I’ve got that book memorized.

Participation medal?

Make that “honest” and “good.”

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Wut? “...it can’t hurt to double-check your work.” Seriously? “Pot, there’s an attractive kettle over here I’d like you to meet...”

I think the pain of backing off Taylor Swift has gotten them a bit unruly, so they’ve decided to go ageist for a while.