
Thank you. Things like this make me happy.  These days it takes so little.

Well, if it’s even mildly astute, Jezebel will find a way to lambast it.

But where are all the exclamation points? !!! You think she’s taking a day off and someone else is blogging for her? The absence of 42 !!!!s per sentence is a sure sign that something’s up. (!!!!!!!!!)

What I have a problem with is tone. “You’ve been uncharacteristically silent” + smiley face = “I, as your mother and grandmother of your children, haven’t heard from you in a while, is everything ok? I understand if you’re busy.” With a sad face = “I’m missing hearing from you.” With that frown/mad face = “What the

Yeah, but first comes the assumption that everyone knows what the actual fuck a vowel is.

Goodgod, yes. “I’ll be there at 6:30" needs some kind of confirmation that the message was received. It seems to me.

This right here is (probably the one and only) good example of what dear leader was talking about. Dump a coupla drums of Clorox into that mess and disinfect the crap (literally?) out of ‘em all.

“As big as all Outdoors” comes to mind, no offense intended.

As I recall (having been one), teen-aged girls are weird but I don’t think many of us would admit to ever being Joj0-level flighty/boisterous/unhinged, and I don’t imagine all that sugar helps much. I just want to slap her.


Legally Blonde 3: The Seven Deadly Blonde Sins

You’re being very reasonable; I can’t see how anyone could argue with your suggestion, particularly now that everyone pretty much agrees that it is going to be a Whole New World out there when we’re all released. You’ve got my vote.

“...swelling on the...sex organs...” might be exactly why he’s taking it. He’s certainly that dumb.

There’s not a doubt in my mind that we will eventually learn that he’s making money on this. That miserable fuck would never tout a product unless there was something in it for him.

There’s not 

You can delete “with a button and/or zipper” over here.

Geez, it looks kind of like Chloe Fineman.  I haven’t watched AHS since mid-first season, so I’m likely very, very wrong!

I thought ParKaren was when a bunch of men jump furiously from one thing to another yelling, “ParKaren! ParKaren!” I could be mistaken, though.

I’m reminded of this:

My therapist did the same for me: Describing a perceived serious problem I was having at work, she finally said, “Why do you think everyone else has the same thoughts you do? You’re writing a script for how other people are thinking.”