
“A female that wants...”


This was interesting and more than a little nostalgic, since my daughter talked me into taking her and her friends to see the original touring company for more times than I care to remember (and “Phantom...” Gah!) But the main take-away for me is that Terrence V. Mann is married to Charlotte d’Amboise. Wow!

I was born in 1945, and a tweet stating “”Boomer(s)...grew up with a sense that females are playful and were raised watching females being okay with being objectified for their looks...” is a perfect encapsulation of what it was to be a female in those days. We weren’t so much okay with being objectified, there just

Thank  you so much!

I’m right there with you!

Evidently TheOtherNico, Dunlin and I are in the same (old) boat. I feel like a kindergartener trying to fit in with Doctoral Candidates over there! (Not in a bad way regarding them...they all just know what they’re doing and I do not get it!) I at least set up an account as me, so maybe there’s hope.

I just posted roughly the same comment! I, too, am an Old and Discord makes me feel much, much older. I can’t even imagine how ridiculous this sounds to anyone under, say, 60 but I stand in solidarity with you! I’ll get the hang of it eventually, and I’m thankful for it, I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone.

Oh, thank you for expressing this. I’ve been on Jez since the beginning (formerly TheRudeDog) and have gotten so used to the site that I can maneuver it in my sleep. The Discord site has me so frustrated that I just came back here...it doesn’t make any sense to me because I am very old! I realize full well that, if

I did that with my idiot father but relative to his being blind-drunk by noon every day. I did, in fact, use my daughter to control his drinking (i.e., “If you ever come within 10 miles of her after you’ve had a drink, you’ll never see her again. And fuck you.” Yeah, I used my child as a bargaining chip, and he

Oh, I was well into my almost-60s when I discovered Silent Library.  That and MXC were just ridiculously funny.

MXC? Funniest thing in the world for a while! That, and Silent Library (which was really for 12-year-old boys, I think). 

It’s uncanny how well Kate McKinnon channels Warren.

Just watch him!

I can’t help but wonder what Beautiful Land Ms. Miley inhabits wherein “...it’s hard to get in trouble once you’re an adult.” I bet lots of money changing hands is involved.

She was 12 the first time she had to remove pills her mother had taken in a suicide attempt from her mouth.

What makes this a bit reminiscent of LaNicks for me is the backing guitar, which sounds a lot like Lindsey on his Turner. Also pretty much 75% of all the intros on OotC.

Young Monroe looks as if she wants to bite a tree. (Is that child-shaming? I didn’t say she was ugly or anything, which she’s not; she just looks like she has a rash somewhere.  It happens.)

“...not cooking it up on the grill like a medium-rare steak to eat with a fork and knife.” 

I am not secure enough in myself to have those cats staring at me like that all day. Our dog just grins at me, which is more my speed.