
SO many Kiss Me spots on that doggo!

Or a K-Pop group.

“Ok, now you can go back to watching Fox News.” Ha!

Maybe she’s on the look-out for the white stuff?

Thank you.

Is anyone else having a problem with the phrase “...forcibly raped...?” Doesn’t “rape” imply “force?” Has anyone ever said, “Well, sure, you can rape me. Just don’t use force?” What am I not seeing here?

If I did even a tiny bump now, I’m sure it’d kill me on the spot. But it is, in fact, a hell of a drug.

It might fetch.  Sometimes it’s hard to tell.


Seems as if young Camila would tire a person out.  Like all of us did back in the ‘70s, I guess.

Every single time I read something like this, the subject of the piece disappears from my brain and all I can think about is “Reno 911when we discovered that Deputy Raineesha Williams’ real name was Megan Underwood!

OK, I’ll be The Nazi: “...in high dudgeon...,” without the “...a...” My feeble defense: I was schooled by nuns K-12. They scared the crap out of us, but we sure talked good, those of us who weren’t athuhleets, and kept us in our seats with bob-wire. :-/

I think you may have just mis-clicked and landed on Jez instead of the NYT without realizing it. What are your second and third paragraphs but a description of our Supposedly (“Supposublee?”) Feminist Website?

My elder grandson learned his video-game-playing rules early on: Some of the combat stuff he plays has K-9 units &, whenever I walk into the house, everybody yells, “Grandma’s here...NO DEAD DOGS!”

Evidently they have people for that. You’d think it would kind of take away the singularity of expression, should one have someone else do one’s flipping for one, but I’ve never been entitled (0r enlightened?) enough to know.

Plus it’s a very poorly-executed bird-flip. Those massive thumb wings detract from the whole presentation. Kids.

Jaysus. I wash mine every time I wear it/them/whatever. 1 day, 1 hour, doesn’t matter, those suckers go in the laundry basket right after I take them off. No, I’m not a dirty person/OCD-addled/anything-like-that. Or, actually, maybe I am; never thought of it that way. It’s just always been a habit to toss ‘em in the

Jaysus. I wash mine every time I wear it/them/whatever. 1 day, 1 hour, doesn’t matter, those suckers go in the

Yep. I forgot about the Ashleys and also the Tiffanys. OH! I forgot the most obvious one of all for the period right after me: Tammy. My goodness, the Tammys! (And there was a boat-load of Brandys and Bambis that floated in and out of there for decades also.)

Years (20) ago, the hubs I were standing in the family room, just chatting, and 5 minutes later found ourselves out on the patio with absolutely no clue how we got there (all doors were open because it was a SoCal summer). Who should be sitting in the patio door, smiling at us, but The Rottweiler, who had silently,