
Bad dogs are not bad dogs. Bad dogs are badly-trained/poorly-socialized dogs, in my opinion.

We’ve got Weimaraners named Silvio and Pearl, names I’ll defend to the death as eminently appropriate, even though I had someone tell me last week that, “Pearl looks nothing like Janis. Why’d you name her that?” “Harumph, sez I.

I think it must go in cycles: The first dog my bff got when she got married was a Yellow Lab. She named her Jennifer, which was the name of 3 other little girls who had been born to friends during that year, which was 1968.

...there’s no tellin’ where the money went.

That dog’s seen stuff.

Which sort of tells me that she’s doing neither particularly well. It takes a lot of work to get through some of her stuff, and not because it’s so erudite. I still miss Dodai.

That lede shot of Ryan is exactly what Danny Kelley looked like back in high school when Sister Harriet Joseph told him his blackboard work was wrong. You didn’t talk back to a nun but you might be able to shoot her a look when her back was turned.

Yeah, Maria hit us with “...with whom she had sex with...” earlier today, but I thought everyone had just given up caring.  Thank you for being my Bright and Shining Light today!

I always thought it was supposed to sound sort of like “angelic-als.”  Could be wrong though.

What I would say to my younger self: “What you just said in your head? Say it out loud.” In all my subsequent years, I’ve never met a boy/man who would have a coherent come-back for what would come out of my mouth.

This isn’t the point of anyone’s post either, but all I know about Utica is that Annette was born there. So, “Good Job, Utica!”

Ah,  but she was best in The Warriors.

I think it’s because she’s not Beyonce.

Denis Ferrara, the late Liz Smith’s amanuensis. He had a blog, Mr. WoW, for quite a while during the time he was with Liz and continued, as I recall, after her death. That guy knows stuff.

You’re the go-to guy on this stuff (and would give Denis a run for his money — I’ve always figured you were one and the same, although he’s NYC and you, I gather, are LA): While, as you said, Judy Davis was superb, did she “get it” in her performance? Was she as close to Garland (mannerisms, speech, etc.) as she

When I was young, I would’ve rather had the debate than go through “because I said so.” When she’s at the end of her rope, my daughter uses “Because I’m the mom, gets a come-back of “You’re not the boss of me” and then gets to use her final glorious flourish of “Well, yeah, I am.” My grandson is going on 13 and I

Oh, goody. Beyonce.  Whoop.

My parents fixed up a bedroom for me in our basement as a gift for my 16th birthday. It was really very nice except that it was located directly beneath their bedroom. Directly beneath their bed. Their bed was directly above my head. Only the floor separating us. Oh, sweet jesus...

She has people for that? I’m more curious about the clean-up after peeing and pooping, although she likely has people for that, too.

I didn’t notice the fry so much on Brit but Kim’s has always been so annoying.