
Has anyone ever seen Hailey smile? Grin? Giggle? Smirk? Anything other than looking so so pissed off? I certainly understand why she’d be pissed off, but there are always cameras and stuff...

This is one Wise Saying right here. Take your star!

You know what? Please don’t apologize for pedantry, particularly when one is as polite about it as you were. I’ll never understand some Jezebel contributors and their “who-gives-a-fuck?” attitude regarding correct (not even “proper,” god forbid) sentence structure, punctuation and grammar. Sometimes it pisses me off

Whoo-boy.  Today is a rough one. :-/

I think Jasmine is either trying too hard or not hard enough, although the bar is barely above the ground these days. I doubt she’s even aware that the usage or spelling of those two is incorrect, although “Las Angeles” does have a certain ring to it.

Ah, yes.  Ashlee Simpson and her slightly-dated chocker...

Yup. I’ll go with fabulous, too. So sharply and nastily charming.

I just saw that also and may be opening myself up to hellacious criticism, but I thought Blake Lively was glorious. I know nothing about her, never watched Gossip Girl and always got the impression she was sort of Goop-ey, based on comments here. But I found her (or at least her characterization) smart and smart-ass

This is not an inappropriate suggestion.

Nicely stated.

This entire crop of new Jez people (not you all who comment!) are seriously lazy. That’s all I can come up with. It’s getting to be the 20-teens’ version of Tiger Beat, except not as good. And yeah, I don’t have to attend daily, but for some reason, I have this curious dream that maybe a couple of well-rounded Stars

Oh!! Beginning in the ‘70s, OBO got me through my pregnancy and all the way through my daughter’s high school years (mainly with the advice, “Remember, you cannot divorce your child.”)!

My mother insisted on referring to my sister’s car as her “vulva.”  She thought she was so very classy, knowing “how to speak Swedish.”  Gah.

Met my husband on-line in a Fleetwood Mac chat room. He was in California, I was in Colorado. My perverse (but rational, to me) distaste for the Nicks woman made our union improbable, but we’ve been married for 20 years. He still likes me and I still despise Nicks.

I absolutely hear you about Imitrex, and mentioned up-(down?) thread that it stopped powerful migraines dead in their tracks for me. I haven’t had a migraine for many years but still carry a couple Imitrex with me at all times, just in case. I’d rather eat an S&W than go through one of those again.

I was wondering if anyone was going to mention Imitrex! I, too, used to get debilitating migraines (and was always told that, “If you can get up and walk around with it,” it wasn’t a migraine, an opinion I share, although I know people who have “migraines without the pain”). Imitrex stopped my migraines dead in their

That houndstooth coat is death.  DEATH!!!!!

I wonder if you might be new here. (No offense intended. Folks can get pretty testy in these parts. I meant no snark.) “It’s Whitney” is generally the appropriate comeback to“Wtf?”

Interesting use of “Whipping Post”here.