
Yes to all of that. Up (down?) thread, someone suggested that Jezebel take a long, hard look at itself. I’m of the opinion that they did that and this is what resulted. I think “they went in the wrong direction” would be an understatement. It’s as if they started out as Doctoral hopefuls, devolved to “working on their

Don’t forget, Muhammad Ali’s death was covered in a Dirt Bag. Priorities are kinda fucked up around here sometimes.

Sort of off-topic, but it is about Ms. Nash, so I don’t know.

This is off-the-subject, or maybe just dancing around it a little: I had been debating on whether or not I should have an hysterectomy & my OB/GYN sealed the deal with, “Look, you’re difficult enough to get along with as it is. Can you imagine what you’ll be like going through menopause? Somebody’s going to get hurt.”

I think she’s always been kind of a dip.  At least that’s what we called ‘em in Olden Tymes.

Or it could be cocaine.

Yep, especially when you consider that, back in the day (1964) a British “knock me up” meant “come see me at my house/flat.” We innocents in catholic school were startled when Eddie von Feldt told us that his new girlfriend, Pam, who was from London, parted from their first meeting with, “Knock me up anytime.”

“Versailles,” over and over and over again until Season 3.


Good lord, that’s such a fun song!

I swear I read through this whole thing thinking Noah was a boy and L’il Whatever was a girl, and it pained me to re-read, just to deal with my confusion.

2 errors in a 2-1/2 sentence comment aren’t typos, they’re mistakes. Or misteaks, if you will. Or is Depp really doing a whole lot of reading, I wonder. And I can’t even begin to guess why the guess left. Maybe to peruse something?

I saw “Hereditary” mainly because of Toni Collette. I wish I hadn’t seen it. I had foot surgery last year, had to stay fairly immobile for months and months and decided that I would search on Netflix and Amazon for The Worst Movie Ever (or at least in the past 20 years), and I thought I’d found it (although I can’t

Wood chipper for the win.

The best explanation, I think, is that sometimes Jezebel is just toofuckinggoddamnmuch.

Fell off a pair of clogs while standing stock still.

Starred for your User Name.  Don’t know of many people who’ve seen/appreciated that deeply silly movie!

Punctuation is our friend.

Looks like they’re getting ready to turn cartwheels.
