
As I said, this was right after the Bobby Greenlease kidnapping/murder in Kansas City and was a huge, huge deal in the Midwest in 1953. Bobby had been described everywhere as a “very trusting, obliging little boy” and, when a woman appeared at his school, identified herself as “an aunt from out of town,” told the

Such a good movie!

My mother...gah, my mother. When I was 7, a family acquaintance tried to kidnap me. (We lived in a very, very small town and everybody was a family acquaintance.) This was right after the Bobby Greenlease kidnapping/murder in KC so we kids were on high alert. I had sense enough to hightail it to my grandparents’ home.

“Allude,” please. Unless Billy Joe was trying to get away from Bush, in which case “elude” would work just fine.  You’d have to ask him, though.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m on the verge of 73 and nobody can know how great it is until they get here themselves.

LOL!! I’m right there with you; I’d make a horrible juror!

Yes! And during the first trial, when he had to make a decision from the bench and was sort of thinking out loud, I was sure he was going in one direction, then he did a 180 and almost contradicted himself! Either that, or I was confused a lot earlier than I thought I’d been. And that Germany stuff was just nuts! How

I swear I recall “out front putting up lights” being mentioned but I’ve sworn to a lot of things that turned out to be wrong (like marriage #1), but it was only mentioned once and just in passing, I think. Nothing in the previous Investigation Discovery program nor in the Netflix series I watched ever mentioned it

I’ve sort of been keeping track of this whole thing ever since the trial, and I’m confounded in an interesting (to me) way. This is a foolish thing to say, but Peterson “seems” like he’d do something like that, although I have no sensible reason for saying that. You know how some people just give you the creeps?

Tariff. Please.

But isn’t her given name “Catherine?”

Why would we want to rein in the summer? Is this a song we’re not supposed to have fun listening to? Things were a lot more fun back in the olden days, I bet.

The best thing my therapist ever said to me, and the thing that really started the ball rolling with her, was, “First, you’ve got to become comfortable accepting that you had lousy parents who didn’t know what they were doing and that it was never your fault.”

It’s Whitney. She is relentless.

I read “Martin Lawrence” and was puzzled.

All jizz has always smelled like Clorox to me. I mean, if it smells at all, it’s always Clorox. Laundry day often confuses me.

And I still have impure thoughts about 1D even though I’m approaching great-grandma territory relative to them!

I kind of agree except in reverse. My daughter was into my rock ‘n roll pretty exclusively, except for fucking Cypress Hill. Gah!

I found out about a year ago that my (late) MIL and “her psychic” got down on their knees every week and prayed that I would hang myself! I was aware that she didn’t like me, but JESUSFUCKINGCHRIST!! The one thing that made the situation OK was that hubs never forced me to go with him to his parents’ house. Plus his