
The Bass Reeves episode was ridiculously funny, plus I learned about someone who had a singular place in history that I’d never heard of. Thanks, drunks!

He’s a weeper, so I think her saying, “I just signed your death warrant” may have hit him where he might feel it. But it’d be interesting to be a fly on the wall of general population, if that’s where he goes.

I’m above 10,000 feet in the Rockies, near South Park, and can’t ever be offended by someone else correcting me. Enjoy yours, also.

Thanks! I don’t feel that I was piled-on, just smacked around a little for being pedantic. It was deserved.

I explained in another comment that, after having been called-out, I discovered that I was wrong. Merriam-Webster defines “swearing” as “using offensive language.” My original statement was incorrect. It was wrong. I was wrong. I was mistaken. I have been humbled. I learned something. I thanked the commenter who

Thanks. That’s pretty much what I’ve arrived at but hope springs eternal, I guess. As long as the damn catholics leave me alone (they’ve caused far too much damage as it is), I’m confident that I’ll be fine.

I was incorrect. I have forever understood “swearing” to be the use of a diety’s name in vain; Merriam-Webster advises me that I’m a boob and that “swearing” is, indeed, “the use of offensive language.” As Stan would say, “I think I’ve learned something here today...” Thanks for the heads-up!

Hate being a pedant, but saying “fuck” isn’t swearing. It may be vulgar in some circles still but it’s not swearing. And I say, “Let the sweet, sweet vulgarity fly, girls!”

That just reminded me. Hubs plays in a band with a guy who has a daughter of dating age. Every time a prospective date arrives to pick her up, the dad opens the door, stares at the kid for a second, then says, “I know bikers.”

My Grandma used to say, “She really can’t help being ugly, but she could at least stay indoors.”

“What horrible thing happened to you in high school to make you this way? Or...was it your...mom?”

I’m getting weirder and more disappointing and more Dowager-Countess- Grantham as the years go by also. Ms Greer, I think, is entitled to her opinions but I hate the fuck out of it when those opinions are rained down in speeches as truths. It’s what she thinks; why does she expect we should also? I would think that

PS: And I left Adam and Eve and the apple out of the above completely because come on...

Bravo (or brava, as the case may be)!

As a recovering catholic, I need some clarification on the above, please. No snark intended (although I think that everyone involved in that 4-minute mess should be driven from the land): So they’re saying that, despite the “fact” that god made everyone in his image and likeness (which theoretically would make

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And on the subject of Hozier (I’m a little obsessed):

Now playing

Have you seen the video? I thought that’s what you were referring to when you said, “It makes me happy when skies are gray!” Yikes!

Do grandparents count? If so, mine is Hozier’s “Take Me to Church.” The 11-year-old’s fine with it but the 6-year-old remains puzzled, which I think is good.

Was everyone aware that Portman has been “ordained queen of all women many times over by our fashion overlords?” I thought she was just in some movies.

Interesting about acquiesence but, for my part, I always considered myself as the one in control. This was way back in the late ‘60s, ‘70s and early ‘80s and, in my fairly large group, sex just wasn’t that big a deal. Frankly, sex came first and then came the decision whether to hang or not. It just wasn’t a thing.