
My favorite part was “...older people...” Older people? So who would that be? People over 22? People older than she is? Gah.

I think it oftentimes might come down to, “Jaysus. OK, you can fuck me as long as I never have to go through this again with you.” There’s no threat implied, merely...revulsion, maybe? I don’t know. I know what I had to deal with back in the day, so I can’t speak for anyone else.

Figures she’d feel the need to use “perusing” at some point. She is so pretentious!

Completely off-topic, but your screen name made me laugh. Catholic school K-12 here. I got-cher Latin!

Nope, I wasn’t joking. I like football but am not particularly knowledgeable about it; I’m from Nebraska, my sister’s in Oklahoma, I’ve lived in Denver (Air Force Academy & Broncos), my Dad went to Notre Dame...I’m surrounded by football. Love watching it but that’s it; I’d never claim to know anything about the

Thanks for stating this better than I could. There are times I really, really want to comment on Deadspin but don’t because “Why in the world would anybody on Deadspin need to know/be interested in what I have to say?” I don’t feel bad about it, just pleased that I didn’t hit “Publish.” The only thing I’ve ever done

I don’t think you’re ever going to see “defenestrate” out of a writer who serves up Violent Paley.

Whitney never, ever fails us. (“Violent Paley”)

And Master Elgort dresses on the right. Ok.

Cherry Coke out the nose. Thanks! I scared the poor dogs. ;-p

Oooofffff—the little hand around her finger!

Whitney is oh-so-serious and oh-so-unprofessional every damn weekend. This has been going on for a long time, she’s actually getting more sloppy as the months wear on, receiving increasingly vocal complaints and yet...she persists. I’ve been saying it forever: The contempt for the reader is stunning,


I could never figure out what was coming in the yellow night...

The power outage that was caused by Suzanne Sugarbaker’s stupendous baton-tossing routine!

Whitney being Whitney. I  should try to be nicer/more patient and back off the “Whitney being Whitney” thing, but her weekly foray into assaults on grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc., just drives me nuts. The disrespect for the reader is stunning.

I got ungreyed by Shrayber and evidently there was some sort of bolo out on me because that blessed ungreying lasted all of 8 hours. Shrayber and his damn rose made me feel important for 8 hours on Jez! Then back to the gutter where I belong...but it was thrilling while it lasted.

LOLOL! This pretty much explains things. A while back I received a notice that someome I’d never heard of started following me, which is ridiculous because NOBODY follows me. And now I find out that it’s “Mim.” Turns out I was right not to be thrilled, only bewildered. Thanks, MD!

I don’t know what’s going on with me today - maybe it’s Cheetolini getting his ass handed to him last night, maybe it’s The Honorable Omarosa getting hers handed to her, maybe the drugs finally kicked in - but “...that is not the Rude Negro I am familiar with” gave me a giggling fit. And I mean no offense to anyone, I

I don’t know where to place this comment appropriately, so I choose here!