
There’s a Burt and Cassie (sp?) Jenner from Bruce’s first wife, Chrystie (sp? again). Why can’t any of these people spell their names properly?

And the thing is, believe it or not, your best years are still ahead of you! The freedom from caring (again, as long as the family’s ok) will enable you to do crazy, exciting, ill-conceived (because, if it doesn’t turn out, you’ll have worked out Plans B, C and D ahead of time), smart, I-never-dreamed-I’d-do-that

Everything you’ve just written is absolutely 100% true. It’s a gift, I tells ya, this Old Age. As long as you can feel okay and are resasonably compos mentis, the feeling of freedom from virtually everything that held you down before is like being reborn. The closest I can come to describing it is the lack of caring

You may be onto something. These people (not your grandmother!) are so convinced of their special-ness that they have no stress, no self-doubt, a sense of self-importance that causes them to not suffer the things that affect us Normals in an unhealthy way. I remember saying about hubby #1, “He’s so damn crazy, he’ll

I’d think that being married to Jolie and raising a whole bunch of kids would put more than a few years on a person. I’m frankly surprised he made it out of there in one piece, as far as we know.

Not that it’s particularly relevant, but your comment just brought back such a memory for me...from 65 years ago: Skip (“Skippy” back then) and I lived 3 houses apart and, I swear to god, “Fuckin’ Skip, man” is exactly what my little five-year-old brain was thinking every time I saw him coming down the block toward

I’m from a very very small town in Nebraska and our mayor-before-last was named “Skip” who had a terrible time deciding if an alley should be paved, what with laws and codes and things. That may answer your question. ; -p

My best guess is that the answer to those questions is: “It’s a TV show.” Or is it?

Take it from A Person Who Knows: Things don’t start getting really interesting until you hit 42-ish. All kinds of stories will happen, and they’ll be the good ones because you’ll be the star. It’s the time when stuff doesn’t happen to you as much as you make things happen. It’s a really powerful time!

LOL...I spent way too much time trying to figure out who Paul Bearer was!

LOL...only interesting if one was living in Denver 1968-1998! This guy wasn’t famous, he only thought he was.

What’s (almost) equally startling to me: Imagine the loons surrounding him whose obsequiousness is only exceeded by their lust for whatever it is that he has. Normal people would slip and fall down when encountering all the grease that surrounds that guy.

I swear to god I don’t know why this happens: I tried to star your comment but kinja deducted one instead. I enthusiastically agree with what you said!

Pianist’s got some hot left-hand action going on...no stride for him!

I actully really like “What Do You Mean?” but kind of shrug when I admit it.

But you don’t understaaaaaand. Clover likes it so it must be true for everyone. She’s arguing about an opinion!

It’s amazing, isn’t it? The draaaah-maaaahhhh! And how they walk that fine, fine line between huffing/puffing/moaning/flopping/flailing and actual violence is pretty impressive, I’ve got to say. It shows how much they’re actually in control of themselves, knowing exactly how far they can go. I’m still amazed at

I can’t recall...did David Hyde Pierce’s character get killed off? Or did I miss him in the trailer?

Whoa! That’s the scene I show to people when I want to recommend the whole series to them! I can’t even estimate how many times I’ve watched it.