
My idiot father used to drink Busch (“Bavarian Bock Beer”), and PBR is even worse than that. I’m a native Nebraskan and have suffered through my fair share of Metz and Blatz, but there can’t possibly be anything worse than PBR. On the upside, I also enjoyed the fruits of growing up in a 95% Czech county, and the

Damn, Renee’ looks pained, although I suppose she should be pleased that she’s able to look like anything these days.


Evidently she wants a lot of heat styling.

Pheebs singing: “Lather, rinse, re-peeeeeat...”

“Oh, but lettuce.”

I just ate an entire Nestle’s Crunch - the BIG one - and am not ashamed.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Mr. Tipton would have been a goner many, many years ago had it not been for his apnea diagnosis. I’m convinced that “died in their sleep” and/or “from natural causes” (at a young age) is apnea a lot of the time.

What does that even mean?

Ol’ Dani looks like a real firecracker.*

I agree about the reasonable doubt thing. It seems as if some people go overboard on the “reasonable” part. Pretty much anything is possible but a lot of those things are way, way unreasonable to a reasonable-thinking person, and jurors seem to get stuck on that part a lot. The judge is supposed to make that really

I’ve been on a murder trial, back in the mid-’90s, and I don’t recall sentencing even being mentioned. The whole process was very get-down-to-business, this-is-our-job, good-lord-this-is-some-serious-shit type of thing. Looking back on it now, it was almost as if people were very leery of straying anywhere close to

Knock yourself out! I can’t bear to look at it anymore.

I honestly have no clue...I just came upon it somewhere today, with no attribution other than Getty. Does it matter, though? It is those fools, isn’t it? Even if it isn’t, it looks trump-ish enough to bring the bile up.

I’ve already apologized for this over on Jez.

I am really, really sorry, but I just ran across this and hoped it would dissipate from my brain a little if I shared it. I’m just sorry.

Thank you so much for this. I know there’s always Google/Wiki but figured you’d probably be my best resource. I really appreciate your guidance!

Get out of here...this is amazing! I’ve never heard of such a thing and would REALLY appreciate guidance from you re a suggestion on serious reading about this. (Something along the lines of “Ear Irons and Their Place in History...for Dummies” would be ideal.) Being a recovering catholic, I’m very familiar with all

I’m not 100% certain that LaCroix meant it as a compliment. Could be wrong.