
I appreciate this comment SO damn much.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: My grandson’s name is Aidan and I’ve called him “Bert” since before he was born.

I’ve always thought that. He’ll announce that, “for the good of the country, based on all the chaos caused by the MSM and my enemies, I’m doing what’s best for YOU, my people...” and will retreat a martyr. The Ship of State will (somehow, eventually) right itself. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if his

That’s been my experience.

Or “to be raped right now,” since the majority of us are “asking for it,” with our damn Fancy Lady business/pants suits, make-up, Fuck-Me scent and big-city high-falutin’ ways.

Thanks for counselling us on how much time should be spent on what. That was helpful.

That’s the way I understood it, which I think is the “anti-butt-hurt” interpretation. Amal’s a warrior and George’s knees are a little wobbly.

LOL! As Angela Martin says, “Good grief, people, just pick a note!”

LOL! I sometimes find myself having impure thoughts about a “cute” guy, bring myself up short and think, “Goodgod, woman, get back in your damn lane.”

I couldn’t agree more. You know that fat fuck reads everything Baldwin puts out and calling public attention to his idiocy is making him so very pissy. And calling him out in front of world leaders is just wonderful. IMO. I look forward to more from Alec, who likely gives a lot of fucks, but certainly not about

Whoo-boy, that’s beautiful {sniff}.

Ivanka’s champagne popsicle is not one of them to you. I suspect 95%+ of the commenters here will disagree with you, a lot. Maybe The Tone Deaf Section is where you need to be?

Am I the only one who thinks the inclusion of William speaking about his late mother in Dirt Bag is in shitty taste?

“...you’re a stone FOX...” Gah!

Maybe they’re Pop-Beads?

Oh, goodgod, would you look at him!

Oh, my mother deserves all the disrespect you can heap on her. I’m sure she’d be offended but I’m certainly not!

My mother, who is an extremely judge-y person, always says, “You can sure tell a woman who never does any housework...”

It pains me to say this, but she does look kind of lovely, as if the only joy or realness that creeps into her life is with kids. She looked...nice...in that pic of Barron and her on Mothers’ Day. But she’s sure as hell no Michelle. Who is, really?