Ahhhhhhh! Thanks for loading me up with that image.
There is no way I can top the Wayne’s World Gif, but I can give you a Tomato!
So White people are not allowed to play Jazz now? What a weird world you live in. Continuing in that vein, everyone who isn’t White, please turn off your Computers.
Exactly! Fuck Bernie and the voters that support him, who needs em. Stupid kids and Working people anyway, Who literally gives a shit about the opinions or needs of 45% of Democratic Voters!
Oh please, if Mike Pence had his way all women that didn’t have a letter from their, Conservative Ark Believe’n’ Pastors would be kept in a guarded building and escorted to the Bathroom while Pregnant. That way they could be kept an eye on so they didn’t self-abort or wear Make-up while God and HIS Angles performed…
They pulled him out because he was Muslim and a Teacher, Double Threat!
The Force binds us all From a certain point of view.
And remember, Parsley like Ketchup is considered a Vegetable.
Cause she is used to being with someone with no Cubes!
I wonder if that’s why they keep going to Mar-A-Lago?
Call Pence, he can explain them in great detail, i’ll bet.
Yeah, all that was left to do in that little moment was to have an aside to his Black Friend to prove that he wasn’t Racist either. The Reporter asked what should have been a simple question about an uptick in Anti-Semitic attacks and graffiti this country. The Donald either having no answer or remembering the number…