You mean that the 15,000 people that weren’t gonna vote for her anyway can’t be blamed for Nixon in a Pantsuits’ lack of winning?
You mean that the 15,000 people that weren’t gonna vote for her anyway can’t be blamed for Nixon in a Pantsuits’ lack of winning?
If you think that he was talking about the poor, I think your contempt is showing. I think he was posting about the Backwards, Bug Zapper Watching, Moonshine Drinking, threadbare Couch on the Porch Sitting, Professional Wrestling Believing, Televangelist donating, Bible Thumpin’ Poisonous Snake Handling, Backwards…
Cowabunga, we really will get a chance to surf to Hawaii!
It could be a negotiated exit,where the California National guard cold fill in till Cascadia formed it’s own Military or what would make more sense would be for Cascadia to become a Protected State of the US for a period of time, somewhere along the line of 5 - 10 years so all of the problems of becoming an…
The Confederacy succeeded in defence of Slavery, the only thing that the Confederacy ever did that mattered was surrender.
Just what I was thinking, there is no way, no MFing way that Trumper would let 13-18% of the GDP of the US just walk away, especially since it would be almost a foregone conclusion that Oregon and Washington would come along for the party and form Cascadia.
I don’t see anything in omgenoughalready’s comment saying they’re White but I’ll bet you are.
I’m sure Trump would approve dismissal of all charges, Boys will be Boys after all, I mean really was any harm actually done?
Because Makeup has to be applied heavily to cover bruises.
Then you would have....... President Ryan.
Maybe Drumpf hasn’t had a working weapon since Korea and this is all a way to compensate.
Kent, How could you build that Mirror!
That sounds like a ringing endorsement.
No, the person that you wrote about was an Asshole, not a NAZI. Unless the person on the Moped was advocating the extermination of all people like you in the Country. I don’t mean as a euphemism I mean he really was working politically towards the time he could kill you and all people related to or resembling you,…
Like all people, 90% of dentists are selfish, money-lovers who don’t care about other human beings except insofar as they can make money off of them.