
It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks

And a lot of that 99% will think Rice a Roni is the quintessential San Francisco dish despite no evidence there’s any food like that anywhere in the city.

I know exactly when that was, my friend and I had booked tickets for Raiders of the Lost Ark at the theater and couldn’t get a parking spot.

Instead of having these Legion characters pop up occasionally in different DC shows, why don’t they just do a full Legion of Superheroes show or movie? It could be free of the CW’s questionable crossover contimnuity or similarly free from the DCEU’s confusing “what universe is this?” continuity, or lack thereof.

Yeah, those are so tacky. I replaced mine with these and they’re way better:

Please dont make Dune Messiah

Loose? I’d expect that from the general public in a comment section, but a headline on a blog site? Seriously?

Is there a reason that this series isn’t called “A Valiant Effort”?

NOW we need an etymologist.

Not sure why they’re tearing it down, now that the road is closed just hit it with a truck going the other direction

Black Rifle coffee company is actually a great coffee company....Yes, they support Police...they also support all first responders and make it a priority to hire veterans.  They also put their money where their mouth is and donate to real charities.  They do this without any form of a political statement.  Do their

No french fry stands a fart’s chance in a hurricane next to cheese curds

“Am I on candid camera?”

riiiight. Am I on candid camera?

Zhwooba zhwooba zhwooba...

What’s a cubit?”

Sorry, but I can’t get past the fact that there’s a Facebook Camry Owners group. Do they argue over what hue of beige is the best?

Now that you point it out.......where does that training droid come from in the first place? I don’t remember Obi-wan carrying satchel or something to bring it along. Seems odd that Han would just happen to have it, although who knows.   I always just chalked it up to something that Obi-wan repurposed for training but

Mace Windu or any of the old jedi order would never have agreed to train Grogu given his close attachment to Mando. It had to be a jedi trained fresh after the fall of the republic with less strict adherence to the old jedi rules. Luke or Ezra are really the only two living jedi who fit those criteria and Ezra is

The only weakness in this episode is Ahsoka refusing to train Grogu, then agreeing to it if Mando helps her, then reneging on the deal afterward, then compromising the principle by passing the buck to another Jedi (potentially). Don’t be so wishy-washy, Ahsoka!