
Complete failure without Callahan's Place.

I wouldn't be so quick to condemn. It just means they are so early in the process that it's ridiculous to even report on it.

Yeah, but a tsunami probably can't do much damage to a world with deflector shield and transporter technology.

Suggestion - I really think it should be part of the io9 style guide to always put the time and channel in the article about an upcoming TV show. Just a little infobox at the end or something?

It would have to be set in the same time-frame as the current movie franchise. Abrams went to a LOT of work to get rid of old continuity in order to get the freedom to write plots he thinks are entertaining without being jumped all over by fanboys for violating canon. He's not going to suddenly put a show on the air

I bought a 15 year old Mercedes 560SL back in the 90s and the maintenance costs nearly bankrupted me. Shocks and brakes cost me over $2K even using aftermarket parts.

Awesome! Looks like Charlotte, NC is now valuable beach property!

As my nutritionist said (really, she said this)..."if you're drinking juice, you might as well be drinking Kool-Aid". The goodness in fruit comes from the fiber and enzymes in the pith and peel. The fructose is probably worse for your metabolism than any other form of sugar (except for HFCS).

Off-topic, but my wife really loves those boots you made for her, Ugg!

Not sure I understand the point of this article. You say that "studies indicate" that soda is bad for you, then you essentially instruct the reader on how to make their own sodas, or point them toward other sugary drinks (fruit juice, lemonade), or artificial sweeteners (added to tea and coffee), or point them toward

How to land a role on a TV show or movie:

Mmmmm. Giant coconut amphipod is on the menu for tonight.

Well, it's not like the larger distance makes it easier to detect and stop. I'm mostly thinking about "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" from Heinlein where the lunar colonists win a war with Earth by kinetic strikes.

Hey, didn't mean any offense. I thought it was better that someone pointed it out politely before some troll did so in a worse manner.

Infinitesimally? Better go look that up. That means an infinitely tiny bit.

Yes it is. Precision-targeted non-explosive low-tech undetectable unstoppable strike capability.

#186: Kinetic weapons (aka Rods from God)

Still holding out hopes that the alien race is the Dire Wraiths. Maybe we'll see a Spaceknight cameo.

The most important thing to bitch about when reading articles about science is when the "Studies" are simply a grad assistant reading many other studies and recompiling statistics to come to a "new" conclusion. Most of the studies they compile are not using compatible methodologies, but nonetheless, it's often

I always wondered what made the dinosaurs become large and green and muscular.