
Who won the Nobel for best apple pie that year?

I thought science was all about deciding on a conclusion, claiming consensus, squashing all dissent, then reaping the financial rewards of the political system you develop to exploit it.

Whitson, sure it does. There are a bunch of ninnies out there on the internet that think aspartame causes cancer because of all the anecdotes of somebody's cousin's girlfriend getting tumors from drinking diet coke. GPS is a service and sometimes you can't get a good lock. There is documentation of the chips Samsung

It's primarily connected to the GPS chipset in the Samsung Galaxy S (original) phones, not to Android. Thank heaven Android is a relatively open OS, or there wouldn't be anything you could do to fix it. I think you should make a point to emphasize this so the Apple fanbois won't get all hot and sweaty over this

Even some of the littler villains: Toyman, Terra-Man, heck, I'd like to see a Legion of Super-Heroes tie-in like they did on Smallville, only better.

I would be happy if they left Lex out of the plot for a couple of movies. It's time to see some different villains in a Superman movie for a change.

I bet Stark's selling Avengers T-shirts and action figures on the side. Nothing's free.

That report has to be fake. If it's true, the MacGuffin has changed from the Cosmic Cube to the Infinity gems, which doesn't jibe with the toy marketing. It makes no sense for Loki to meet the Red Skull and give him the gems, either. Lastly, if Thanos was in the movie, there would be an actor associated with him.

Ha! Valeria is holding the ultimate nullifier.

Why would I need that for a supposedly well-written piece of software?

Installed it and it won't run. Missing MSVCR1000.dll. Reinstalled and same issue. Suspicious.

Dude, did you check out who wrote it? No surprise at all.

His estimates of our tech capabilities are spot-on. His estimates of the desires of society were not as accurate. Most of his predictions fall into the "feasible, but we just didn't want it enough" category.

Music stands cost less than $25 on amazon. Why bother?

I heard on the news that this driver was "reassigned". Reading between the lines, that probably means he's union and couldn't care less.

No, the slogan of the place should be "Enter in friendship, come in peace"

Yes, but it's not made out of Sugru, so I don't want it..

Ah, but the alliteration is what made it so awesome.

Yes, but it's "I downed a lot of donuts".

Meanwhile, all the REAL time travelers from 2036 are ignored because when people ask them what's different, they say, "Not much, except the Simpsons finally got cancelled."