
Oh, come on! Nobody's said "the G spot" yet?

"Tell the audience you're a liar and they stop believing you. Or, at least, they should."

Since you have a particularly trigger-happy person on staff at one of your sites (who will remain nameless) who frequently uses the ban-hammer against anyone who dares disagree with him/her, regardless of your terms of service, I don't think I will be tying anything to my facebook or twitter account. When you disable

Don't forget "Millennium"!

If Willis is going to be playing the "Original" GI Joe, he'd better have the buzzcut and beard. Possibly a form of paralysis that freezes his hands into utilitarian positions, too.

Regarding Star Wars, it's actually pretty plausible to me that the tech would fall back a bit during a pair of civil wars.

He forgot to mention the day 71 shooting practice where Rick had them firing on head-sized targets while hanging out the window of a moving car.

Not a bad idea. Daryl becomes a little more endearing by getting over his racism and getting romantic with Michonne, just in time for Merle to reappear as one of the Governor's minions.

I wish someone had called into Talking Dead with the question about T-Dog and Tyrese. T-Dog is not nearly worthy of Michonne's attentions.

Hey, I LIKED automatic shoulder harnesses! Bring them back!

Can we get a "Gawker Sites fixer" sometime?

Why bother asking the butcher to slice them? If you have to invididually wrap and freeze them, cut them yourself!

I don't believe they'll ruin Dinklage's face the way the books mutilated Tyrion. He'll probably get a nice scar out of it, but I just can't believe they'll commit to 5 years of blue-screen + makeup to remove half of the nose from their fan-favorite actor. It's really not all that important to the story, anyhow, as

You do know that Buffalo numbers have risen and you can buy Bison meat in most Supermarkets now, right?

As bad as the world media makes Americans seem, we do not come close to being as racist, supremacist, arrogant, or environmentally uncaring as China.

With all the references to the "outer rim" in Star Wars, it would be my guess that they aren't actually "outside" that galaxy, but rather on the very edge of it.

This article's logic just isn't going to work, as the story it's based on is not only non-canon, it's contradictory to the death of Chewbacca storyline that is also non-canon, but just beneath the movies on the totem pole.

I consider it to be pretty good, not great. Much better than some of the crap on other networks that gets renewed for season after season. It's a little different, being "faux-reality", and takes some getting used to.

This is what sells comics. It's not quite as effective on TV. I don't know if Darabont knew better, but Kirkman apparently does not.

Of course, it requires that the speaker also be listening to what they're saying, so it's useless against teenagers and politicians.