
I'd have figured the PacNW would be a bad place because of the volcanoes.

Sometimes...I go to the store and they are out of 20 oz 6-packs. Horrors.

That looks like Alton Brown's salt cellar.

Damn straight. I hardly remember what life was like before Pepsi Max.

You may as well consider it a reboot. I seriously doubt they can fit this into the continuity with the previous 3 movies. At least not neatly.

I doubt a magazine named "Spacemen" actually had obituaries. I wonder if they possibly had a section that used the name "The Obituary Department" which contained horror stories. Wouldn't that make more sense?

I don't get it. It has a motor inside. My D40 has the motor in the camera. It doesn't have the aperture ring, but then he says that's a shame. So why would I want to buy this, again?

Like I said in the original post, it's not the hours, it's the sheer number of balls in the air simultaneously. I know my limitations, and I can't keep up with more than 5 or 6 projects at the same time, nor should I be asked to according to my job description.

Maybe they'll throw us all a curveball and the enemy will be Dire Wraiths.

Aliens vs Star Trek

I laughed. Good one.

My favorite childhood book. And the Chuck Jones animated movie is a classic, too.

She's got more than any of the rest of the Starks, for sure, but that family is in complete denial of the realities of the world they live in and how to survive in it.

I realize this doesn't really count as "Fantasy" (or maybe it does), but the second "Dexter" novel has a guy tracking down people who betrayed him, and making them play hangman for body parts, ending up with the victims being limbless, tongueless, noseless, lipless, without eyelids, and forced to look at themselves in

I find it hard to consider any particular Stark to be a hero. Starks all have their hearts in the right place, but they have absolutely no brains whatsoever. Lannisters appear to have brains and ability but no moral compasses, so no heroes there, either. Once you start eliminating the various factions for one reason

If you like black and gray, and no apps, stick with the Kindle. Those of us who want a mid-grade tablet with Froyo and nearly unlimited hacks will keep touting our NCs.

Do we work in the same department?

So how do you say, "I realize that I'm not working 48 hours a week on stuff, but I really have more little projects going on right now than I can actually keep up with, and sooner or later, I'm going to end up dropping one or more of the balls I have in the air at the same time"?

The first season didn't seem to have a cohesive story, but now that they do have one, they keep integrating elements from the first season into the plot and you start going, "AH! Now I see why that was important!" Case in point: the very first episode had a bunch of people on a bus get trapped in solidified air. Now,

I feel certain the writers borrowed that concept intentionally. I loved that movie, too.