
I'm not happy about them using that particular suit. I never liked it in the movie. The shield and the briefs are too tiny, and the red isn't red enough.

With the exception of fixing the antenna, possibly making it thinner, and possibly making the display bigger, I agree with your premise.

That's about the only explanation I could think of for that particular mistake. Weird.

Smallville spoilers??? Wouldn't the show have to actually advance a plot along in order for there to be spoilers in the first place?


Heinlein has inexplicably been shunned (with the exception of Starship Troopers, which was done poorly) by Hollywood, and that needs to be corrected. However, "Glory Road" and "Number of the Beast" would be perfect series for HBO rather than movies, as they could be infinitely expanded upon. I'd love to see both of

You are very right, by the way. I think it's a case of HBO not realizing they need a new business model for their content. Maybe this will give them the shot in the arm they need to realize they need a new distribution channel that isn't dependent on traditional television services.

I'm sure HBO would say, "just sign up for HBO!"

Re: Walking Dead, "We can do anything to these characters"

This is a pet peeve of mine. Especially when I buy e-books. I need to know the order when I buy.

You're pretty much describing Heinlein's "Crazy Years" stories. I think they'd make GREAT movies.

That creeped me out, too. You know the writer put that in there for a reason.

I can't believe they are still procrastinating tying up any of the real loose ends of this series. This is going to be just like Star Wars Ep III, where the stuff we all want to see is reduced to the last 15 minutes of screen time before the final credits.

Well, Kilowog doesn't have lips, so, no problem, I guess...

It's unfortunate that we happen to live in the alternate universe where we lost the formula for greek fire but remembered the recipe for garum.

I wasn't referring to Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda series, actually. I was referring to the USS Andromeda from the novelizations of ST II and III. Excelsior and Andromeda were the two first transwarp ships, but Andromeda was sent to explore the Andromeda galaxy while Excelsior stayed home.

Sadly, that applies to just about every failure in life, business, or art.

I wanted to see a series with the USS Andromeda set after TWOK. New ship, new captain, new galaxy, long distance 5 year exploration mission with no assistance from the Federation or Starfleet.

I maintain that "Faith of the Heart" could have worked if they had re-recorded it with a slightly faster tempo and given it a backbeat. Instead, they re-recorded it and make it even more schmaltzy and sappy for season 2.