
I once accidentally dived with a Great White off the coast of Indonesia (no cage, obviously. We were looking for manta rays. Which we also saw, but they were rather overshadowed). Apparently it was the first recorded sighting of one in the region. Our guide was very excited.

Philly. Now that's a shithole. I think your post portrays most of the awful things about Phila that need to be said.

"In hindsight, all the warning signs were there"? All the warning signs that he was going to fake his own death.

I love it in egg salad, deviled eggs or persian dill rice!

You can use up a LOT of dill putting it in the brine to make pickles. I usually do some variation on Mark Bittman's Fridge Pickles, see below. You really can use any old spice combination you want and you can't go wrong: mustard seeds, celery seeds, a ton of dill, garlic, red pepper flakes, turmeric, black

scrabbled eggs with dill, cream cheese, and salmon!

It's nice on salmon or in chicken salad or even in a tossed salad. I put herbs in salads all the time.

Not that interesting, but I love to put dill on my scrambled eggs.

Sauce for salmon? Dip for rye bread? Sandwich spread got veggie sammiches?

OK so something I've noticed (I'm 46, so I've had lots of time) is that even today lots of people get serious quite young, with like the first or second person they've really dated. Like they're in a rush to get something locked down. (Don't even get me started on the people who pair off in the first week of their

Dill is difficult to use all up, but it freezes not too bad. Same some for later?

Do it. Seriously. What's the worst thing that could happen?

"Rest in peace, Colleen Donaghy. You were 87 years young, 14 in demon years, and you went out of this world like you came into it: wearing a hat."

Man, fuck that. Unless they hunt or have severe allergies, there is no reason to buy a dog. I ran into a new mama dog who was skin and bones and searching thru trash for food on my evening walk. I gave her my granola bar and some water because that's the best my broke ass can do. But that mama and her babies need

Omggggg I DID IT. I asked out the man that I've been pining after for over a year. I finally did it!!!! I'm so proud of myself. He bar tends at the bar I frequent, and we share a few mutual friends. He's tall and built really well, just really solid and strong seeming, like a goddamn oak tree or something. He has long

It just hit me earlier today how much I am doing/has happened this year. I finish another degree in 4 weeks, take (and hopefully pass) a national certification exam, remodel my kitchen, celebrate my dad's 60th birthday, buried my grandfather (literally), travel to a bucket list destination and turn 40. That's just up

Laughlin Nevada. Santa Fe NM. La Jolla CA. I like all three.

I fucking hate people who don't keep their dog on a leash. I was walking my dogs this evening, come up to a yard where out of no where this huge monster comes bounding towards us. My dogs freak and start pulling me in opposite directions, and strange dog is just running around trying to sniff butts. I get all tangled