
You sound like an authority. At least on hard cock.

Good riddance?? Kate you can kiss my ass right in the crack! Good riddance would be appropriate to those azzhole NFL players who are disrespectful with their kneeling. Those self entitled, over paid azzhats can go serve in the Marine Corp. if for a second I thought they would cry like little bitches. Your article SUCKS

Ahh, NOPE!! Dream on ford! Subaru Outbacks are AMAZING and you guys at Ford will just get it buts kicked!

A SELF ENTITLED LITTLE PRICK who obviously learned it from his azzhole Dad!! Two duchebag that belong NO WHERE among professional motor sports. McDonalds fry cook here you come, moron.

So that makes it right huh? Dumbshi#!!

Dirtbag sue happy turd that I hope the judge laughs out of court!!!

Eea-hole hmmm, appropriate. I’m guessing you dont have a sense of humor? Also, I read this and I LOVE muscle cars, but my first thought was, I GET MY JOY from Jesus Christ!! More people show open their bibles!

What’s not funny is there are actually people who really think that way. Dumb, dumb, DUMB!!

I dont pray for a stupid mini SUV! I pray for people and animals. I swear your headings are becoming more and more ignorant as you age! The opposite of what’s supposed to happen.

Then youre someone who car people hate! Youre the type that would crush a 60's Shelby mustang because it needs a paint job. Azz!

All those stupid bull balls do is make the truck and the operator look like a complete dumbshit! The guys that put those on their trucks need em because THEY AINT GOT NO BALLS!!

Is that supposed to be a woman passenger in that uber car?? Ugh, she got hit by the ugly truck then it backed back over her!!

You forgot STEP #5: CRASH MUSTANG coming out of cars and coffee and look like a total azz hole!

Youre probably the same type of yahoo trying to tell us because YOU dont understand why we want to own an AR15 then of course we shouldnt be allowed to right??

Boo freaking hoo. Look guys Mom is telling us to come in for the night. 😁

This is an awesome vehicle I agree and have seen them b4. The problem, weight capacity! They cant haul much and get out of their own way.

Ever hear of the Colorado??


Matt needs to clean the sand outta his vagina.

Boy, all I can say is I hope thr guy who got in the car and drove it owns it, because THE PRICK SLAMMED THAT DOOR WAYY TO HARD!!