
“ Driving it before working on it”, thats something youve never done? Once again, YOURE A MORON! I know capable mechanics that DO drive their customers cars BEFORE doing the work to confirm what is wrong with the car in the first place instead of just oh, say REPLACING A PART THAT DOESNT NEED REPLACED IN THE FIRST

The only TOOL here is YOU “His Stigness”! Maybe you should reread or learn to read the article dumbazz. Milk shake in the cup holders, possible bent wheel, yeah those are things one should expect when bringing your car in to have work done. Idiot.

This just proves, this driver in particular, THAT YOU CANT FIX STUPID!!

Once again, you are obe that doesnt understand SHIT about frenchies! Should not have been put in that bin, period!!

Bullshit! You dont know what youre talking about. If we can breath at altitudes then our frenchies will be fine in our laps! Until some braindead bitch tries to order us to do something stupid, which this woman should have REFUSED TO DO!

 Who was this bitch flight attendant? What is her name and they should be looking at charging her criminally! I would have told them to kick me off their plane because theres no way in hell I would put my little four legged furry kid in the luggage rack!!

This POS obviously doesnt read the bible because he would realize that its better for him to tie a millstone around his neck and go for a swim in the deepest part of the ocean, rather than hurt one of His children!! Im paraphrasing a bit, but you get the idea.

Ugly? You should just stick to driving your Yugo dummy.

Yeah, and pogs aint worth SHIT NOW!!

I agree with you. The writer of this “article” sounds like hes not living in the real world compared to the rest of us and the LAST thing he should be doing is giving us financial advise!!

Its not that difficult. Just park the Lambo for the next 3 months. Wow, not so tough outsmarting those cops. Hee hee

Grow up. You look old enough to be!

This thing being so short is the definition of butt ugly!!

Youre a MORON and a big part of the problem with our country! “Oh. I dont care about any other issues the politician has if he just votes for no more tipping I’d vote for him instantly”. Eah, go back in your hole jackazz!!

My 1969 GTO Judge Ram Air 3 with 4 speed car!! Boy do I wish I still had her!!

Why do the uneducated, and mentally handicapped still use the Lords name in vain? Do you think it makes you look or sound cool? Because you just sound stupid.

I just threw up in my mouth a bit.

Okay mary. Heres another idea for you. Hows about you grow a slightly thicker skin than that fuzzy peach you are now and stop being so pathetic. Good grief people are so whinny, whimpy, gotta have me my 6th place participant trophy or Im gonna cry. DISGUSTING, THOSE OF YOU STILL IN YOUR MOMMYS BASEMENT at 50!


YUCK!! Whoever the idiot/idiots were that suggested this abomination, should be made to line up with their feet apart and allow a lamborghini engineer and or design artist to kick em right in the land of good and plenty!! The freaking Hurrican is WAYYYY BETTER looking than this TURD!!